Honeymoon in Toronto - Questions


Active Member
Hey guys. My wife and I are thinking of driving 8 hours up to Toronto for our honeymoon in the Fall.1) I know there are seed shops up there, how difficult is it to buy seeds and take them over the border? What would be more risky: hiding them deep in our luggage and driving back over the border with them, or sending them through the mail back home from up there? I wouldn't chance taking bud back over the border, just seeds.2) How easy/hard is it to get bud if you are an American tourist in town? Thanks.


Active Member
lol I live in Toronto.
I could get you the hookup.
Toronto has MANY HOODS don't let Canada stereotypes mislead you. If you see any place that says "Rexdale" "Jane and Finch" or "Regent Park" or "Lawrence Heights" (MANY more that I can't name right now) get out of there quickly.
You'll most likely be in the highrise part of the city, it's a real big city.
It's easy to get weed if you just honestly ask people.
You're probably older, so it'll look a bit suspicious, but if you ask around you can probably find some.
We got good 'dro here, mostly mid-grade, but it's alright for street shit.


Active Member
Thanks. Some more questions ... Can anyone recommend a good hotel that allows smoking (of any kind)? And are there any delivery services that would deliver buds to our hotel room? I know they have that in NYC so I figure there's gotta be something like that in Canada. Thanks everyone.


Active Member
you can smoke in any hotel man they dont care, and i dont know about delivery as i live about 30 mins away but i think if u find a good seller than you might be able to


Active Member
lol we got a bedbug epidemic in the hood right now, it came from our hotels and shit.
Apparently the chemical to EFFECTIVELY kill bed bugs is illegal up here (or so I hear)

So make sure to quaranteen your belongings when you return :D


Well-Known Member
i read somewhere that a good way to carry seeds across a border is to get a bag of trail mix...put the seeds in with the mix...just dont eat the mix...lol. a cop isnt gonna question a bag of trail mix in the car...lol. then when u get home just dig all the seeds out...


Well-Known Member
i read somewhere that a good way to carry seeds across a border is to get a bag of trail mix...put the seeds in with the mix...just dont eat the mix...lol. a cop isnt gonna question a bag of trail mix in the car...lol. then when u get home just dig all the seeds out...
That is brilliant...


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
you can smoke in any hotel man they dont care, and i dont know about delivery as i live about 30 mins away but i think if u find a good seller than you might be able to
You can't smoke in any hotel room now in Toronto, not even the Royal York.
What a great city to come to for a honeymoon. There is lots to see and do in Toronto. Check out the Friendly Stranger on Queen as well as another shop near there (I forget the name of it though). Someone there may be able to help score you some or at least point you in the right direction. :mrgreen::peace:
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Well-Known Member
toronto is great there are a couple of smoke friendly cafe [no tobaco]..
not sure about the delivery thing..
that trail mix idea is great..
friendly stanger can give you lots of info.
there are also some good seed shop


Active Member
Thanks everyone.

Has anyone actually been over that US border crossing? I believe it's "Peace Bridge" which connects Fort Erie to Buffalo? I have no idea what to expect. Do they open all your bags? How thorough is the "inspection"?