Homemade bong tutorial. 2 Different types! Diagrams.


Active Member
I was going to do 4 different types but I really cant be arsed right now...

OK, First is called a bucket where I come from. The reason will come apparent soon enough...

Pros: Easy to make
Cons: Needs water

You will need:

  • 3 litre empty bottle
  • 2 litre empty bottle
  • 3 litres of water
  • skippy

  1. Chop the top off the 3L so you have a bucket (omg wow).
  2. Chop the bottom off the 2L.
  3. Fill bottom with water. (about 2.6L)
  4. Put the top into the bottom.
  5. Add skippy.
  6. Add herb.
  7. DONE.

  1. With your left or right hand hold the top.
  2. With your other hand begin burning the herb.
  3. As you burn the herb, raise the top. This will bring the smoke into the bottle.
  4. When burnt, take the skippy off.
  5. Tan that smoke bitch!
  6. Now your high.

Now we move onto the lung.

Pros: Needs no water, Easy to transport (for all you on the move potheads out there).
Cons: Harsh on the old lungs, Slightly harder to make, String snapping mid-raising

You will need:

  • 2 Litre Bottle
  • Empty bread bag (best), or any plastic bag
  • Scissors
  • Sticky Tape
  • String (or make one with the sticky tape, whatever...
  • Skippy

  1. Cut the bottom of the 2L off.
  2. Grab the bag and put your hand inside it. Get the bag inside the bottle so that you have the bag up at the neck of the bottle.
  3. Next tape the bag so that it is attached to the bottle and stays this way, it needs to be airtight so once taped, test it by pulling the bag out then inhaling through the neck of the bottle. The bag should go back to how it was.
  4. If it didn't work, make that shit airtight.
  5. Pull the bag out again and tape some string on. This helps.
  6. Inhale the bag back into place.
  7. Put skippy on.

  1. OK, string under your foot.
  2. One hand on the bottle, other on a lighter.
  3. Burn the weed.
  4. As you burn it, raise it.
  5. Oooo the smoke goes inside it.
  6. Take the skippy off and tan it bitch.

And that concludes my tutorial. Thought I'd give something useful to the community other than whining like a bitch about the shit weed here in England. Hope you enjoyed the ride, I sure as shit did not. :finger:

So, try it out, you've probably done it before if your veteran. But the Weed Noobs need to be taught the tricks of the trade.

Thanks for reading. bongsmilie