Holy Fuck that's a lot of spam


Well-Known Member
how can we help the community keep this shit to a minimum?
note: i'm not blaming mods/admins in any way for this, nor am I begrudging their efforts in cleaning these posts up / keeping these posters/bots out; rather, I'm sincerely asking, particularly those of us who are more IT proficient/savy, is there anything the community can do to help out with limiting this shit?


Wait, what?

Well-Known Member
It's bad, but it can get worse. There are bots that get in and create hundreds of accounts. It's counterproductive to the spammers, so they stopped using them, but the ones loose are still out there. Shut down a site I belonged to and it took weeks to fix


Well-Known Member
It's bad, but it can get worse. There are bots that get in and create hundreds of accounts. It's counterproductive to the spammers, so they stopped using them, but the ones loose are still out there. Shut down a site AI belonged to and it took weeks to fix
well that just blows donkey nuts :evil:

Wait, what?

Well-Known Member
The fucked up thing is, they spam crap, escorts and weed? Spam me something I can't get downtown and I might click on the link


Well-Known Member
with the report button though, you have to view the thread. does giving the thread views matter to the bot? like if no one ever clicks on a spam thread, does the spam die out like fucking fairies with no one to believe in them?


Sector 5 Moderator
We do the best we can but it's bots, not people and you should see what the filter does catch! Unless you're a mod, global or admin you can't see the moderated threads; sometimes there is nothing on an entire page but moderated threads. I just deleted over 50 threads by one guy, not to mention at least that amount by others. Thanks for reporting!

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Report and block the bot. You don't have to write a written report. I just hit the keyboard and send it. The mods aren't dumb. I only report spam. I realize that real posters have to give reference to certain products. I don't consider this spam. The spamsters could actually get away with spamming if they obeyed site rules and posted in a proper manner. The fact is RIU permission is needed to advertise. On the other hand the thread was looking for a dispensary in Toronto, Canada. I knew about one so I gave him the address and phone number. This type of conduct is acceptable on RIU. It is wrong though to start a thread advertising dope for sale all you can buy blah blah blah.