Holiday advice needed


Well-Known Member
guys i need your advice and expertise on a travel where do i go i haven't been out of my country since i don't know when 2004 maybe everything change now i want to go to amsterdam im going alone i want to smoke weed and relax help me plz maybe somebody went there before or somewhere else nice please tell me


Well-Known Member
I have gone on vacation to the Dominican Republic and had a great time there. The country was beautiful, went on a back road day long excursion in the country side. You have to be discreet with weed but I found some after asking around a couple bartenders. They also had really good blow for really cheap. The weed wasn't anything to brag about look wise. It was brown and smelled like the jungle. It did however have an incredible head high that made the tropics seem like this magical mystical place. I loved it as a matter of fact even though a lot of people would find it inferior to what one would find in the states. I would pay about $20usd for between a quarter and half ounce. I even met some other friendly tourists while I was there and helped them score some weed. They sold 8balls of fire blow for $20-$50 usd.


Well-Known Member
my best friend just came from Dominican republic he stayed there for a month now he and his wife they both got fat i want to get fat too but i was afraid if i'm not be able to score Thank you for you answer i really need a cheap place to stay as long as possiable


Well-Known Member
guys im researching and i found out that you guys just start to legalize weed in usa is that 100% true or....?
i feel like when i go there they will say yea we legalize it but not for you

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Come to the UK you can buy it most anywhere, hell I will even give you some. But you will need boots and a raincoat and don't be expecting holiday sunshine or you will be very disappointed.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Thank you very much good and generous people i'm not sure yet where to run away i was thinking about Dominican republic but i'm going alone i don't think it's proper to go alone to the caribbean what people will say about me i think i will stick to europe idea but europe is too expensive maybe i will stay less time i need to decide fast before summer is over :razz: