

Well-Known Member
Alright guys, I kind of have a funny story.

I went to my outdoor spot that I was planning on putting about 5ish plants in the a open area surrounded by woods and I went to turn the soil and take care of the land a little bit. While my friend and I were turning the soil, I look up and see a guy with no shirt or shoes on looking at us with a weird look on his face. To me he looked like the caveman from the Geico commercial but thats not the point. My friend still hasn't seen the guy yet and hes still turning the soil and the guy is still looking at us (its been about 45 seconds). I finally said, "Can I help you?" then he asked what we were doing, I replied with "We are collecting soil for a science project". He finally walked away, then my friend and I peaced out. I was stunned by this. The day before I went to the spot and checked it out and I know for a fact that I didn't see a house. I checked google earth and apparently their is a shack about the size of a doghouse that this guy is living in.

Has anyone else had a problem with Hobo's?

The Dude 4552

Well-Known Member
When it comes to growing I am a paranoid person so I would say if anyone ever sees you at your spot, doing anything other than walking through, that spot is compromised. I know this from a decade of wandering through vast woods. If I saw someone doing something I would eventually have to check it out. If it isn't too much of a hassle (if the plants are in bags or pots) move them far away to a more remote area of woods (if you have it.) Nature provides an abundance of good growing areas, shouldn't take too long to find another one.

Mushroom Mesiah

Active Member
maybe he thinks the human race went extinct and hes the only survivor...he seen you's two and now he thinks your going to eat him because theres no food around...or maybe he has a few plants back there that he was checking on :mrgreen:

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
maybe he thinks the human race went extinct and hes the only survivor...he seen you's two and now he thinks your going to eat him because theres no food around...
Yes, that obviously has to be it. There's no other logical explanation. :lol:

I'd give up on that site for this season if it were me. Keep in mind, that guy's got nothing to do all day long except poke around and explore whatever looks interesting in his immediate area, and seeing you prowling around and doing mysterious things with the soil is probably one of the most interesting things he's seen in months. That spot's blown.


Well-Known Member
shoot, coulda had a loyal gaurdian of your spot, just offered him alcohol fix once a week
Lol yeah I should have done that. And yes I did find another spot.

Another thing that I forgot to mention was that as I mentioned before I went the check out the place and didn't see him or a house so I thought the spot was good, I also left marks on the trees and ground, for example sticks, rocks, Indentions in the tree, and the 2nd time I went to take care of the soil, the markers were gone, I should have just never went after seeing them disappear. That was a Newbie mistake on my part, that could have ended badly.
