hitting the line

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New Member
there are a couple morning glory threads, NOT started by me, where people died. why don't you all go bash them?

because it's not ME.
They haven't been told they should hate yet, they don't get to hating without marching orders, like good little drug war bitches.


Well-Known Member
whatever you want to call it. ;)

still never answered the original question. still wondering why you all are here. :neutral:
Never shot up..."helped a young female room mate when she asked and out of curiosity...seriously messed up.

I am here (RIU) out of boredom and silly cyber concern (the thread). I saw the 5 min Meth thread active while you were absent in other threads...the discussion bothered me and I left...then I saw this tonight...again concern brought me here.

I know that it is ridiculous that I would give a shit, but in the last 2 years I have found you to be a fair mod (to me at least). I have learned a lot from your threads and talent as a gardener. You have an artistic flair with your glass work and I have 2 of your pipes...one I am smoking right now...I grew a strain you developed...You have an oddly clear way of seeing things and are witty. I respect your talents and wisdom.

So when I see you start threads that are (purposefully) disturbing...out of concern, for someone who certainly is not "acting" like they usually do. I know you take a lot of BS and I always admire the way most of it gets blown off with a witty remark when you could just ban the person...And I guess I am glad that these threads are just your little game and you have not gotten sucked into the abyss of Meth

RIU has gotten exponentially shittier recently and this does not help. I miss the old Fdd.



Well-Known Member
Never shot up..."helped a young female room mate when she asked and out of curiosity...seriously messed up.

I am here (RIU) out of boredom and silly cyber concern (the thread). I saw the 5 min Meth thread active while you were absent in other threads...the discussion bothered me and I left...then I saw this tonight...again concern brought me here.

I know that it is ridiculous that I would give a shit, but in the last 2 years I have found you to be a fair mod (to me at least). I have learned a lot from your threads and talent as a gardener. You have an artistic flair with your glass work and I have 2 of your pipes...one I am smoking right now...I grew a strain you developed...You have an oddly clear way of seeing things and are witty. I respect your talents and wisdom.

So when I see you start threads that are (purposefully) disturbing...out of concern, for someone who certainly is not "acting" like they usually do. I know you take a lot of BS and I always admire the way most of it gets blown off with a witty remark when you could just ban the person...And I guess I am glad that these threads are just your little game and you have not gotten sucked into the abyss of Meth

RIU has gotten exponentially shittier recently and this does not help. I miss the old Fdd.

my wife has been in the hospital for 21 days now. she's barely getting better. :(

i get ZERO support here anymore, from anyone. it takes it's toll.

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