Hit this poll


Active Member
voted - should have put Michigan MMJ subject line so more people will look at your thread.


Well-Known Member
Ha, I even left a comment for the naysayer.
So today, I did another thing not yet
experienced in my life.. whoot whoot.
Good for you. Thank you

voted - should have put Michigan MMJ subject line so more people will look at your thread.
Yea I guess I should not have assumed it would be know being in the Michigan Patients forum for Medical Marijuana.
And than you too
and you too stump


New Member
hay what do you know we got 63% again so far. i dont feel like getting in a confrontation with those closed minded a holes. i can talk all day about doctors burning the skin off my brother with radiation. they dont care they think we are all junkies.


Well-Known Member
I sent the results to ol' Wild Bill Shitty just for shits and giggles. Can't wait to see what he has to say in response - I asked for one, but we'll see if he even bothers.