Hillary Clinton


Active Member
What's really sad is out of the over 300 million people in the U.S.A. These are the best we could come up with ?? I mean there has to be many more people who would be qualified to run this Country. Where are they ?? We are stuck with all the same talking heads who will say anything to get elected...and then it's business as usual...IMHO..


Well-Known Member
What's really sad is out of the over 300 million people in the U.S.A. These are the best we could come up with ?? I mean there has to be many more people who would be qualified to run this Country. Where are they ?? We are stuck with all the same talking heads who will say anything to get elected...and then it's business as usual...IMHO..

i'll be ready in 4 years if we can make it thru this. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, for us guys that think the outcome of this next election may be fairly important, it is a real interesting debacle. Where is the perfect candidate? Oh that's right, the MSM has cast him aside (Kucinich). We may have our differences in political preferences, but overall I believe we both want whats best for us, our kids, and grandkids. There is always that ABB atitude, (anyone but Bush), but we need to do better than that. Your guy Paul would bring some change, and that is good. I don't think for a second that he could accomplish even 20% of his agenda, but he could make a start. My guy (now Obama since Paul is out of it and I don't like Hillary) also will try to change some things. My common sense tells me no matter who wins the primaries, republicans are going to lose the general, unless those pesky voting machines start voting on their own,~LOL~.
ABB (anybody but bush) you say? Well, over a year ago, some inside pollsters, from both parties, said ABH. Anybody but Hillary, because she carries so much dirty baggage. She will do better in friendly New Hampshire. Obama will sputter. This is all very early in the cycle.

Historically, American voters are rather predictable.

I do not think Obama or Hillary will headline the ticket. It will be Mr. Edwards, because he does not have the "Clinton Baggage", or a funny name (like Orack Hussein Obama), and he seems to be a likable guy.

The republican ticket is much harder to predict. I believe Rudy will fall off for several reasons, including personal issues with wives, a funny last name, and his health concerns. Americans will not elect Mitt Romney because of his name and religion. After these issues settle, the campaine will focus on real issues like the war and the economy. Then, who comes out is only a guess.


New Member
ABB (anybody but bush) you say? Well, over a year ago, some inside pollsters, from both parties, said ABH. Anybody but Hillary, because she carries so much dirty baggage. She will do better in friendly New Hampshire. Obama will sputter. This is all very early in the cycle.

Historically, American voters are rather predictable.

I do not think Obama or Hillary will headline the ticket. It will be Mr. Edwards, because he does not have the "Clinton Baggage", or a funny name (like Orack Hussein Obama), and he seems to be a likable guy.

The republican ticket is much harder to predict. I believe Rudy will fall off for several reasons, including personal issues with wives, a funny last name, and his health concerns. Americans will not elect Mitt Romney because of his name and religion. After these issues settle, (the campaine)(campaign) will focus on real issues like the war and the economy. Then, who comes out is only a guess.
Well, I'd settle for Edwards, as in ABR, (anyone but a republican)~LOL~.


New Member
What's really sad is out of the over 300 million people in the U.S.A. These are the best we could come up with ?? I mean there has to be many more people who would be qualified to run this Country. Where are they ?? We are stuck with all the same talking heads who will say anything to get elected...and then it's business as usual...IMHO..
They are busy running the machine we call "business." They feed, clothe and keep us well. As great as these men are, they could be even greater if they didn't have to constantly fight off the predator mites that staff the bureaucracies of government..



New Member
They are busy running the machine we call "business." They feed, clothe and keep us well. As great as these men are, they could be even greater if they didn't have to constantly fight off the predator mites that staff the bureaucracies of government..

Uhhh, I'd be more inclined to believe these "Business" men were more about profit and the almighty dollar than they were concerned about feeding and clothing "us", That may be the last thing on their mind, especially when they are hiring H1Bs and sending jobs overseas, cutting healthcare, refusing to pay liveable wages, and stealing our retirement.


Well-Known Member
What's really sad is out of the over 300 million people in the U.S.A. These are the best we could come up with ?? I mean there has to be many more people who would be qualified to run this Country. Where are they ?? We are stuck with all the same talking heads who will say anything to get elected...and then it's business as usual...IMHO..
Welcome to the show. Do you know who Ron Paul is?