hilary 2016?


New Member

well some people want hilary clinton for 2016, she ran the white house when her husband was there. what do you think?
She is the most polarizing person in American politics.

The LAST thing we need is another polarizing president. We need a president that is significantly supported by moderate democrats AND moderate republicans. Like Ronald Reagan.

You may not like Reagan, but you cannot dispute that he was supported by both democrats and republicans alike. But of course, he had the luxury of serving RIGHT AFTER that loser Jimmy Carter, who was the architect of double-digit inflation. I guess if Hillary had served as president right after Carter, she would have been universally loved as well...

Come on people. Liberals elected Bill Clinton. Conservatives got revenge by electing George W. Bush. Then liberals got revenge by electing Obama. Those three regimes (Clinton, Bush, and Obama) divided America like never before. We need to move away from that. We need the MAJORITY of America to be UNITED, and there's no way that could ever happen with da bitch Hillary as president...no way.


Well-Known Member
Those three regimes (Clinton, Bush, and Obama) divided America like never before. We need to move away from that. We need the MAJORITY of America to be UNITED, and there's no way that could ever happen with da bitch Hillary as president...no way.
shut your misogynistic face, short fry.

obama is not a polarizing figure. you guys just decided to dislike things that you were previously in favor of because he backed them. this is indisputable.

the problem is not obama, it is bigoted, stupid assholes like you.

and that is a fact.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I could go on and on too.


Illegal immigrants

Higher taxes

Energy prices



Green jobs

Decreased military

No space program

Ya, alotta conservatives behind these programs.


Well-Known Member
I could go on and on too.


Illegal immigrants

Higher taxes

Energy prices



Green jobs

Decreased military

No space program

Ya, alotta conservatives behind these programs.
not only do you not get the game we're playing here, your examples are fucking retarded.

in case you were too thick to figure it out, i listed a number of things that republicans not only supported, but were actually their ideas in the first place. they stopped supporting them once obama did.

your list is simply fucked in the head

taxes went down under obama.

in my neck of the woods, energy prices dropped during obama's term.

obama did nothing to change welfare besides giving republican governors the flexibility that they asked for (you dumbass). way to revive a debunked campaign lie, smarty.

clearly you're too dumb to realize that the GOP house wants more cuts to NASA.

how the fuck do you even manage to put on socks in the morning?

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
not only do you not get the game we're playing here, your examples are fucking retarded.

in case you were too thick to figure it out, i listed a number of things that republicans not only supported, but were actually their ideas in the first place. they stopped supporting them once obama did.

your list is simply fucked in the head

taxes went down under obama.

in my neck of the woods, energy prices dropped during obama's term.

obama did nothing to change welfare besides giving republican governors the flexibility that they asked for (you dumbass). way to revive a debunked campaign lie, smarty.

clearly you're too dumb to realize that the GOP house wants more cuts to NASA.

how the fuck do you even manage to put on socks in the morning?
You are right.
Obama is my hero.


New Member
shut your misogynistic face, short fry.

obama is not a polarizing figure. you guys just decided to dislike things that you were previously in favor of because he backed them. this is indisputable.

the problem is not obama, it is bigoted, stupid assholes like you.

and that is a fact.
I really like you Buck. You're like the brother I never had.

Do you ever come up with more inventive names to call people? It seems like an unemployed, welfare-drawing, quitter college dropout, former salesman of useless treadmills, that has enough time on his hands to watch the Zimm trial all day and also make 50 posts per day on this web site, should have enough time to be creative with name-calling.

As it is, you're a tired act man. A tired act.

But we all love playing with you. Just try to give us some variety. You owe us that.


Well-Known Member
I really like you Buck. You're like the brother I never had.

Do you ever come up with more inventive names to call people? It seems like an unemployed, welfare-drawing, quitter college dropout, former salesman of useless treadmills, that has enough time on his hands to watch the Zimm trial all day and also make 50 posts per day on this web site, should have enough time to be creative with name-calling.

As it is, you're a tired act man. A tired act.

But we all love playing with you. Just try to give us some variety. You owe us that.
remind me again what your former username was.


New Member
obama is not a polarizing figure. you guys just decided to dislike things that you were previously in favor of because he backed them. this is indisputable.
Buck, normally I love playing with you, but let's be serious for just one second. Anytime a president wins an election by about 3%, he IS polarizing...about 47% of the people in this country get up every morning hating their president, or at least lamenting that he is their president...

Buck, I can tell 2 things from your posts:
1. You're dumb, but...
2. You're not stupid.

(Kinda like Gomer Pyle's cousin...)

So, even you should know that Obama is polarizing...not to you, I know, but to 47%, he is. And that's WAY TO MUCH for the leader of the greatest nation on Earth.


Well-Known Member
Anytime a president wins an election by about 3%, he IS polarizing...
he won by 4% or so, actually. not 3%.

secondly, an election is not what makes someone polarizing, their ideas and policy proposals and actions are.

obama has proposed a lot of (previously) republican created or endorsed policies: cap and trade, the individual mandate, payroll tax cuts, health care for the 9/11 first responders, infrastructure improvement, medicare cuts, flexibility in implementing work requirements for welfare as requested by republican governors, i could go on and on.

each and every single one of these previously republican favored policies was met with massive republican resistance, screaming, temper tantrums, ass hurt, and smear campaigns.

the problem is not obama, the problem is assholes like you. and demonstrably so.

deal with it, sistah.


Well-Known Member
Any president of R or D is going to be polarizing, because as soon as they take office, the other party devotes most of their energy to attempting to destroy them. R and D are both guilty of this. The only possible way for a president to not be so polarizing is to have a third party candidate actually win. This, is not very likely.

I actually would not vote for Hillary, but she would be an improvement to the current sack of shit we have.

I really think this experiment in "First such and such" has failed. We need another white man to hold the office...

Joking about that.

But all joking aside, I think the only way to save our republic is to remove direct elections for the president. There has been too much of a media circus around that office and the persons attempting to obtain it. A person wishing to become President has to be so squeaky clean that it eliminates the vast majority of qualified people. I doubt any of the presidents so often regarded as our greatest could survive the microscope which candidates of today are subjected to.


New Member
he won by 4% or so, actually. not 3%.

secondly, an election is not what makes someone polarizing, their ideas and policy proposals and actions are.

obama has proposed a lot of (previously) republican created or endorsed policies: cap and trade, the individual mandate, payroll tax cuts, health care for the 9/11 first responders, infrastructure improvement, medicare cuts, flexibility in implementing work requirements for welfare as requested by republican governors, i could go on and on.

each and every single one of these previously republican favored policies was met with massive republican resistance, screaming, temper tantrums, ass hurt, and smear campaigns.

the problem is not obama, the problem is assholes like you. and demonstrably so.

deal with it, sistah.
Buck, please get more creative in your name-calling. The same names OVER AND OVER get boring...

Please, call me different names. Try reading a name-calling book, and get more creative...


New Member
Any president of R or D is going to be polarizing, because as soon as they take office, the other party devotes most of their energy to attempting to destroy them. R and D are both guilty of this. The only possible way for a president to not be so polarizing is to have a third party candidate actually win. This, is not very likely.

I actually would not vote for Hillary, but she would be an improvement to the current sack of shit we have.

I really think this experiment in "First such and such" has failed. We need another white man to hold the office...

Joking about that.

But all joking aside, I think the only way to save our republic is to remove direct elections for the president. There has been too much of a media circus around that office and the persons attempting to obtain it. A person wishing to become President has to be so squeaky clean that it eliminates the vast majority of qualified people. I doubt any of the presidents so often regarded as our greatest could survive the microscope which candidates of today are subjected to.
Well, Ronald Reagan was NOT polarizing. He was UNIFYING. But as I said in an earlier post, any president who succeeded the double-digit-inflation-architect Jimmy Carter would be unifying...

Unification in the United States CAN happen...we just have to work at it...R and D alike...but Hillary Clinton is NOT the answer to unification...


Well-Known Member
Well, Ronald Reagan was NOT polarizing. He was UNIFYING. But as I said in an earlier post, any president who succeeded the double-digit-inflation-architect Jimmy Carter would be unifying...

Unification in the United States CAN happen...we just have to work at it...R and D alike...but Hillary Clinton is NOT the answer to unification...
what if she wins with a margin greater than reagan's?

see, that's the problem with your silly statements, they can get turned on you just like that.


New Member
what if she wins with a margin greater than reagan's?

see, that's the problem with your silly statements, they can get turned on you just like that.
Well, maybe you're right about that Buck...for all I know.

But honestly, I can't imagine Hillary winning with appx 90% of the popular vote, can you?


Well-Known Member
what if she wins with a margin greater than reagan's?

see, that's the problem with your silly statements, they can get turned on you just like that.
What if you won every state? You can "what if" all day long. Fact is that Hillary will not be able to carry 49 states. I think Reagan carried every state but Minnesota in '84.

Of course, if the vast majority votes for Hillary she wont be polarizing, but that will not be the case. At best she carries 55% of the vote.


New Member
What if you won every state? You can "what if" all day long. Fact is that Hillary will not be able to carry 49 states. I think Reagan carried every state but Minnesota in '84.

Of course, if the vast majority votes for Hillary she wont be polarizing, but that will not be the case. At best she carries 55% of the vote.
Agreed sir.