Highly oxygenated RDWC nutrient solution - why not prevent fungal infestations

Anyone ever have problems with root rot?

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  • Never concerned about root rot with my RDWC.

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  • Do you have or have you ever used a Dissolved Oxygen Meter testing RDWC nutrient solution?

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J Henry

Active Member
Root-parasitic fungi:
How to control Pythium in hydroponics?
By Noucetta Kehdi

A dynamic, well-designed growing system, a clean, highly oxygenated water, a well-drained substrate, good ventilation, and the right temperature and humidity levels, are the main ingredients to success when growing hydroponically

The root level is a particularly vulnerable part of the plant, be it in soil or in water. When your temperature is high, and your water circulation is poor, your plants will suffer of lack of oxygen. At the root level this oxygen starvation reduces the permeability of roots to water, and consequently the absorption of mineral salts, which will weaken the plant and eventually lead to a poor crop. Under continuing stress conditions, the roots will emit ethylene, a stress hormone that accumulates in the roots and participates to the slow degradation of the root system. Furthermore, ethylene is recognized by some pathogens as the sign for a weak individual, and a motivation to attack.

This research says “highly oxygenated water” i.e. oxygen, the researcher does not say highly aerated water i.e. air.

So what in the world does “highly oxygenated water” really mean? Does this mean maintain continuous DO Saturation (100% DO Sat) throughout the nutrient solution cycle or maintain or maintain DO Supersaturation(>100% DO Supersaturation) continuously.

The researcher goes on to say, “Like other fungi, Pythium exists everywhere in the plantʼs environment and will attack practically all plants. The best conditions for its development is high moisture levels and a temperature between 20 ( 68F) and 30°C (86F). Plus poor oxygenation of the nutritive solution in hydroponics, of course.

Again this author stresses poor oxygenation and does not mention aeration at all.

How to fight Pythium?

The answer is quite simple: by keeping your plants healthy you will allow them to resist fungi attacks. And to keep them healthy in hydroponics, there are basic and mandatory rules: good water quality, optimal oxygenation of the nutritive solution… maintain 100% DO Saturation at all times continuously, never let your DO Sat get low.

Actually preventing the Pythium outbreak is a lot easier than treating the root rot after this opportunist pathogen gets started.

It is easy to predict the conditions that predispose this fungal outbreak… Measure the dissolved oxygen in nutrient the solution with a DO Meter. If the Dissolved oxygen saturation is low, you can bet the root rot is coming.

Or you can just guess, hope and pray your crop doesn’t catch the root rot, but who wants to worry, think about that all the time.
What do you think about preventing the this fungal infestation?


How to control Pythium in - General Hydroponics Europe


growing methods, but even more in hydroponics were roots are barren and vulnerable. So root management in ... Pythium is a destructive root-parasitic fungus.