Highest Dry Yielding Strains ??


Hi All.
Trying to get the most for my buck to see which plant produces the most dense and biggest BUDs
All I've been seeing around is BB and Northern Lights
Trying to see If anything else surpasses them ??
Looking for potency and colossal buds for next grow


Well-Known Member
If you are new to this, I'd suggest getting an easy to grow strain. Your skills will have far more to do with plant size than genetics.

A wonderful gardener, and close friend tried growing Cannabis for the first time, last year. Seven pounds of buds from four White Russian plants.(He's a happy camper!)

Knowledge = BUDS.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
yeah start off with something easy and forgiving till u get on to ur learning curve go with something skunk it isnt the strongest or biggest but rather easy for learning


Not to new -Just looking for the best strains out their
Always a new super strain is popping up
I pretty much been sticking with = AK-47 & Super Skunk
And yes i do know how to minipulate a plant !!!!!!
Didn't put on thread to be knocked!!!!!!!!!!:finger:
Just looking for BEST STRAINS:smile:


Well-Known Member
I would have to agree with VG, one of the 'White' strains.

I've had my biggest yields from White Widow's. Easy to pull 2lbs+!



Well-Known Member
If you know all that, you should know that there are thousands of strains, and picking one as the "best" is silly.

You haven't even mentioned what kind of herb you like.

I have forty strains in my seed collection, and every one was once considered the "best".

Find a current strain list and start reading. Sooner or later, a description will catch your eye.

THEN come back and ask if anyone has tried it?

Have you got a grow log up?

We see hundreds of noobs come in with questions like yours.

The assumption is that you're new, or you'd KNOW what you like, and would mention your preferences.

Sorry if you are offended.

Folks who answer your questions are generally trying to be helpful. Ignore the idiots and avoid sinking to their level.

Good luck on your quest.


Well-Known Member
I would have to agree with VG, one of the 'White' strains.

I've had my biggest yields from White Widow's. Easy to pull 2lbs+!

Yeah, I'd have to say the White strains are easy to grow and VERY potent.

I've grown out two White Widows and found them very potent, and big producers.

Given room, I think WW can go over five pounds.