High-Grade (Once Agin)


Well-Known Member
Is a cut and paste from another site

*This post is the personal feelings of the author, concerning the following company.

I ran into this guy online a couple of years ago over at cannabis.com.

He used to continually fight with members over there because he would claim his "super strains" were THE BEST. Yet when I would ask him some very basic breeding questions he would stumble over his feet and or not answer. Or better yet he would just call you an idiot and try to belittle you.

People were ordering from him overthere and not receiving their orders. Once they said somthing he would again attack them on the boards. During this time over at cannabis.com he had a very bad rep. There was a point where every post I saw concerning him was someone else saying to buy from another person.

Perhaps he has changed a bit, I personally doubt it, but maybe.

He claims right on his site that he has the most potent, highest yielding strains available....give me a break.

Here are a couple quotes from his site:

"When grown properly you can expect these super strains to double or triple your current yield while providing exceptional quality highs ranging from numbing body stone to soaring & euphoric."

Double or Triple your Yield using his "super strains". By the way I looked up his definition of "properly" and there were no special requirements...so just by these genetics and triple your yield.

"And if you like great taste in your bud our strains will not disappoint. All will yield great tasting smoke with strong spicy/earthy/fruity elements. The result is a very pleasant smoking experience."

This is special too. How funny that all of his strains can be lumped into one generalized characterization. At least try to make it seem as if your hack seeds, have some individual charateristics.

In sumarization: High-Grade = Hyped Garbage, from hack breeder.

Here is another one


Hello High-Grade nice to see you again.

Over here spamming I see?

You may have re-worded your site a bit or come up with another screen name.

But you still get defensive over simple questions and blow things out of proportion.

You want to Gypsy bash and praise your own site then go somewhere else and do it.

I did not ask propriatary information about his B rate crosses. I asked him generalized breeding questions that he could not answer. Big difference.

I still know some of the "complainers", they are active in the comunity, and no they did not grow out the genetics, because most of them never received what they ordered.

Answer this, how can you claim to have the most potent? Anyone with a basis of knowledge knows that is a bunk claim right from the get go.

Ask some of the big names on this site about HG and they will reply....Who? If you have the best of the best people know you, and talk about you, and your strains.

Enough is enough.

I care about ICMag's members. My Join Date may be recent, but I have been around from damn near the begining. High-Grade is not a trustworthy company


By The way,
The above posts were by a reputable guy who was simply trying to get the truth out. the guy was AND IS a trustworthy source on that site.
he was responding to a guy just like "VOTE TO LEGALIZE" .
The guy was talking to a guy who claimed HighGrade ALWAYS delivered. That they were awesome, etc.
And when people weren't getting thier stuff, The guy he was responding to ALWAYS made it seem like it had to be the senders fault (sound like someone here?).

As i said... Order from a reputable seedbank. HighGrade is sure to disappoint.



Well-Known Member
One more thing,
search any weed forum (besides highgrades own) and you will find the same types of things...
people not getting thier seeds.

But hey it MUST be all the senders faults, right?


Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
Instead of going around slamming them, why not use that energy and find another place to purchase your seeds? It is a bummer you got fucked, but we all been there at least once! Come to think of it, why are you doing your home work on highgrade-seeds now? Shouldn't you of done that before buying from them? Come on man get real! Must of been your first time for buying seeds! If you don't do your home work before buying, then you get what you deserve! Right? Right!!!

Just glad I havn't been screwed by them, but now I'll think twice before ordering from them again after reading bullshit!


Well-Known Member
Just glad I havn't been screwed by them, but now I'll think twice before ordering from them again after reading bullshit!
why will you think twice if its just bullshit? :confused:

Honestly after reading alot of things about HG on 3 different forums I've come to the conclusion that my business could probably be handeled a little better by a different company. I HAD an order set up with HG but now I will not be sending them any of my $$

...please... just one, semi-established person actually give me a good company that delivers to the US? P.M. me if you want I DON'T CARE. I just want some decent plants. thats it. too much to ask for??.. sheesh... I'm getting real worked up.. ima go smoke a beezz :joint: :mrgreen:

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
why will you think twice if its just bullshit? :confused:

Honestly after reading alot of things about HG on 3 different forums I've come to the conclusion that my business could probably be handeled a little better by a different company. I HAD an order set up with HG but now I will not be sending them any of my $$

...please... just one, semi-established person actually give me a good company that delivers to the US? P.M. me if you want I DON'T CARE. I just want some decent plants. thats it. too much to ask for??.. sheesh... I'm getting real worked up.. ima go smoke a beezz :joint: :mrgreen:
I said I would think twice! I didn't say I wouldn't buy from them. lol

Gypsy Nirvana has been good to me, as well as Marijuana Seeds (cannabis, pot) shipped worldwide


texas tea

Active Member
hello all out there in this vast community.hope all is well with you all. I read these post about highgrade-seeds and felt I had to throw my two cents in. I recently ordered from HGS and I must say that he did come through.HGS had to resend my order twice but I did get what I ordered.I usually just float around these forums and read and try to learn from others expieriences.But I do have to say that HGS is a legit company with good stock .I guess to each his own.I do not work fo rthem in any form or fashion .I am just one of many satisfied HGS customers


Well-Known Member
yes high grade seeds is a rip off. beware if you hate money just send it to high grade seed, they'll keep it and wont send u a damn thing for it!! nice deal!!


Active Member
I can only speak for myself but here goes... I ordered from 1 seed vendor ever. High Grade Seeds was the guy. After several e-mails and weeks of waiting, I received my seeds in a little plastic tube with cut ends of Q-tips stuck in the ends.And his trade mark smiley face. They were Northern Lights #5's. They are indeed some sort of Indica though I have no idea if they are actually NL#5's or how to tell. I had only 1 seed not germinate and in general I am pleased with the result. Grown in dirt under 400wt MH and put into flowering at 18" I averaged 3 1/4 oz. per plant. I will try Hemp Depot from now on, however this guy did eventually come through for me.