Hi guys! RIU loyal here need some help, pronto!


Active Member
Hi guys, basically, i gotta make a decision in the next hour or so whether my plant is ready for going in the dark for 48 odd hours..

Heres some pics included, my sig's got all the details if need be..
my cameras not that great and my microscope is malfunctioning (poxy ebay) but heres a rundown
  • Leaves are going purple
  • Strain is Easyryder and im 69 days from seed, recommended is 70-77 days from seed,
  • Pistils havent receeded into the buds on all colas, only some,
anyhelp anyone could give me would help majorly, we got an inspector coming tomorrow midday which is why i was planning for it to start the harvesting process today, but i'm not sure if it is ready and dont want to waste these 11 weeks ive spent and countless more planning for it to be shite...

no digs for the size of it please :lol: shes my baby!! but seriously... please advise wise ones with green thumbs!



Well-Known Member
69 Days Old And You Still Got White Pistils??? Sumthin Aint Right My Friend.. The Buds Look Under-Developed, It Looks Ready, But After Looking Closely All I See Is White Hairs..?? Strange, Just Out Of Curiousity Was This A Late Flowerer? Typical Is 3 Weeks


Active Member
Do you know the specific phenotypes of this strain? I've had purples that the leaves turn yellow right before harvest (makes a beautiful and metaphorical October harvest) but Ive also had purple that turned yellow because that specific strain actually NEEDED nitrogen during bud.

From the looks of the first pic I would say two things
1)Looks like mild toxic salt build up in some of the lower leaves, this will definatly stunt/slow growth
2)Wait untill all/70% of the hairs are brown.

What I would do if I was growing that strain would be give it regular nut dosage for 4 more days, then 7 of 25% less, and then 7 days of water then harvest.

The grow time are set by professionals who SOG and know their stuff.