Hi Guys, Anyone Ever Seen A 3 Leaved Pot Plant?


Hi Guys, I'm new to roll it up, so wanted to say hi first of all!
Recently I started a grow again, as I've had a few in the past, but many years ago. I started with a about 4 seeds with 2 of them germinating really well in about 24-36hrs, got the seedling stage going no probs, but then accidentally when repotting them one landed upside down an nearly snapped straight through. I tried to save it with duct tape an a kabab stick and string but it's cards were marked on that dreadful day. The one that was left has grow pretty fast an taller than expected (even though the light was about an inch above it)!

The only thing that has me scratching my head is that it on has 3 leaves on the fan leaves, an I've never seen one like this before, has anyone else had this before or seen it before?? It's about a month old now, after the first 2 true leaves, I got the first 3 true fan leaves oppersite each other as normal, but then the next nodes were 2 sets of 3 fan leaves, then the next set were another set of 3 fan leaves, then again, and now coming to the 5th set of leaves, yes you guessed it, another set of 3 fan leaves. I know this is quite rare as I've only ever heard about it before but have any of you guys had this before? An if so did everything end up ok with it in the end??


Active Member
If you check my current grow my blackberry only has 3 leaves and its doing wonderful. In the past I have had 3 fingered plants before and they did fine. Sometimes they change to 4 then 5 fingers. 1 of my clones of the strawberry diesel had 4 leaves and then when i put it into flower it started pushing out 5 fingered leaves. Might just be the phenotype.