Heyo Cheaper Electric Bills And Greener Energy

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
this isnt a gimic. due to new deregulation laws, you can now choose your source of electricity.

look into VIRIDIAN energy.

it comes from renewable energy sources and is cheaper.



Active Member
It sounds like your onto something good man. They use energy derived from wind, sun, and other aspects of nature so that there is no waste to harm our enviornment.

I jacked this from another forum on the same subject, but i think its worthy of posting.

while nuclear is renewable, it is considered BROWN energy because of the nuclear waste it creates, and that has to go somewhere. whether it's buried in a mountain a desert or dropped in the ocean , it pollutes the enviroment.
Renewable Green energy has "no waste which harms the enviroment" whether its wind, hydro or solar power. And Viridian Offers a Green energy at a WHOLESALE RATE which will save you money. Unbelieveable isn't it.... Finally a company not over charging for saving the enviroment


Active Member
I wish i could get this in my area, most people say the service switch is seemless, and that poeple are acutally saving up to $80 a month with basically the same service in a less enviornmentally harmful way.

Hell thats another 1000watt HPS, Blower, and hydro system that can be ran for the same monthly price im paying now.

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
hell yeah man. its almost too good to be true, but it is true. an honest company doing something good, UN HEARD OF xD

my mom is an associate with them. what she does is get other people to change to Viridian energy. then everytime time they pay their bill she makes two dollars i think. it doesnt seem like much at first but it adds up. im trying to get in on the easy money now. gotta talk it up to my friends parents and what not. hopefully it becomes available to you sooon!