hey first tmer


Hey first time here read the forum a few times before but decided to start a grow got a wee hydro box started and really dont know much about it been going through the forum but cant really see a simple how to do it hydro lol but i guess its there dont know what lights to get space between pots what size of pots would i need etc first time remember so any help or link to posts wpuld be great look forward to getting this grow on :D cheers if ye can help


Right here we go took ages to figure it out stupid hidden button lol. Im pretty sure i understand the basics the writing might not be so clear though so i'll explain starting from the top, I'll put a star at what a dont have or not done yet

1. Adjustable top *
2. Light *
3. Plants *
4. Pots through lid
5. Water Droplets
6. Sprinkler/Misting Heads
7. Roots*
8. Drains
9. Resovoir Tank
10. Pump

There will be black n white hanging from the lid also with a carbon filter and fan found the DIY guide on it