Hey everyone :)


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm Bas, from the Netherlands, 24 years old. I came across this site while looking for stoner sites and what there is available, as I most recently developed a site which lists cool products for stoners (not just directly related, but stuff like lighters / munchiefood / nifty gadgets as well). Anyway, I came here to browse the forum every now and then and see if people were interested in something like this and maybe get some inspiration for new cool products. Also this is the kind of forum that would just kill a few hours of my time when I'm high. I think this is an awesome forum and while I'm not really into growing, I've seen some interesting topics and I actually spent the last hour just reading through some of the subcategories here.

More about me: I recently decreased the amount I smoke as it was cutting into productivity too much, but still like to smoke up with friends about twice a week. In my free time I like to do some design, skateboarding and I also run a website for chill music called http://www.chillhop.com .

If u guys have any questions or feedback, feel free! Salute from the Netherlands! :)


New Member
Thanks for the warm welcome! :)
I mentioned it as it's just part of what I spend most of my time on nowadays. However, I'll edit it out.


Well-Known Member
STAY AWAY FROM GRASSCITY there's nothing but 12yr olds and people who ban you for starting a racist joke thread


New Member
Haha thanks guys. Yeah I like the products Grasscity has but don't really visit the community or anything. I usually hang around Reddit /r/trees tho! :)