Hey buddies!!! helpful info hydro flood table BS...


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111.jpg034.jpg002.jpgHydro hydro hydro!!!!! What’s up my green thumb brothers and sisters..It’s been a while since ive peeped at ya so im here to throw down and cut some fuckin corners and weed through all the bullshit to make life a little easier for some newbie’s and cut some cost down because ive been trying a few things and want to share some outcomes with yall naggas… first off this fuckin president ahahahha almost got ya….
LIGHTING!!!!! BAM!!!--- so I’ve been rocking 1000 watt setups for meds the last few yrs and have ran high press sodium for vegg and metal halide bolth do the trick but halide will give you more vertical growth as well as stock development I’ve ran 18 hr 20hr and 24 hr vegg cycles and found that 18 is most efficient and less stressful on the ladies with only 15% less growth than its 24 hour counterpart. ,.. and since I pay for power I run the 18hr setup they also seem to recover from topping.. LST or HST as well as supercropping faster with a little rest during the night… LST= low stress training and HST= high stress training… Ummm ive kept a mother in a closet under a 4 bulb t5 2foot bulb 6500kelvin setup un pluging as many as 3 bulbs at a time to slow growth down and it has reached 5 ft tall under the t5’s so don’t let anyone sell you a massive light for a mother in close corridors it will just bring you heat and crazy growth but if that’s whats your into fuckin go for it.. switching over to flower I introduce the flower nutes a few days b-4 the light changes so its less stressful on the sweet little hookers lights and nutes is prob pretty upsetting at first my opinion…and its less shit to do that day..I also shut em down the lights for 24hrs b4 the 12 hr schedule starts..never water at night… if someone shoved a banana in your mouth when you were sleeping it would prob piss you off unless your name is Alisha then you might go to work on it… bahahahah.. EBB AND FLOW!!! RESIVIOR!!!--- Fuck here we go don’t mail me a bunch of shit if you don’t agree with me this shit works so if you don’t like or agree with it just fuckoff to another thread and bitch at someone else…wheeew early vegg I run jungle juice its cheep straight up…I run 6.0ph and 50% at start of suggested values then make up difference so when I go to 100% I make up that other 50% in the mix..simple also I rock superthrive at 50% it has all kinds of shit in it and it subs for vitamax,cal mag, that type of shit ..ive had good luck with it..Root conditioner and a watermax…. So heres the down low… I got lazy as fuck when I was working nights and this is how shit went I never did a resi change I suggest one like 4 weeks in but I never do..…I vegg’ed with one resi and let it almost run out till my pumps were cavitating (nothing left to pump to tray) and would just throw in a flowering mix right on top of it and during the whole 6-8-or 12 weeks 12 for that goddam girlscout I’d never drain it just add to it..mind you this you cant watch the ppm (parts per million) just ph and I let it walk constantly from 5.6 to 6.5 then back down… my ppm goes past 3k per million and the water gets pretty nasty but they thrive but I don’t give a fuck what the ppm is just watch the plants they will let you know.. Study the sings and articles others have posted.. Chuck in a water cleanser as directed full strength and snag your pump filter every now and then in the resi and give it a rinse… hydrogen peroxide is awesome in resis..check it out I use it on the reg for cleaning everything….
· AIR!!! BAM!!!— Temps 70-80 deg f during day and above 60 at night… Hey heat FUCK YOU!! when its crazy hot I don’t exchange it at all (watch your humidity!!! Keep it under 61% mold will fuck up your harvest and never smoke that shit it will honestly kill you under the right circumstances!!!) just let the ac keep the temps down when the lights shut off ill run the scrubber wide open for 10 min or at idle for the dark periods..just do whatever you gotta do…winter I don’t like heaters so ill do the same as well slow it down(scrubber aka carbon filter) at night or turn it off..if days are cold I run air cooled lights so ill let the heat out but taking the duct off or turning off the fan to lights..i don’t use co2 but burners, tanks, are available or you could breath on em haahahah you produce co2 when you exhale just sit in your room and sing to them like a lunatic…. I think that’s where singing to your plants is good for em comes from so sing on you fucking weirdo.. I have inline filters for all of my air in in and out of room ill post a pic of all this shit below...and explain whats up with it..Take care of your grandparents one day this week if your luckey enough to still have me simpile call or flowers dinner whatever…. HELLO to my mates Hotones, cazador, freakishlyyellow,laserbrn,and puneta…Im out for now ONEFORTHEROAD!!!!! Keepin it slicklike……