heroin on an airplane


Oracle of Hallucinogens
It would be best for her to go to a methadone clinic to get a legal RX for methadone. This will keep the withdrawl at bay. Smuggling dope into some countries is very bad, if they catch you. I know that Malaysia will hang a person for simple possession of marijuana--like a gram of marijuana will ensure the death penalty in such countries. If you're going to one of those countrys, it's best not to risk it. Otherwise, she should hide it in a body cavity--NOT a bra. Police can make you take off a bra easier than they can look into a vagina.

Maybe you should take her on vacation to Afghanistan. I hear they have good heroin there haha
Ah.. take a closer look into importation of controlled substances into the United Stated (I believe, correct me if I am wrong) the United States is one of the remaining countries to have Capital Punishment as a sentence.

I don't know about the whole methadone thing, I think it causes as many problems as it potentially fixes.. but to each his own.


Active Member
it seems as though most people bringing drugs on a flight to a different country will put a few grams in a balloon or condom and swallow it. but will they x-ray you to check for this? could you wrap about a gram in carbon paper and then put it in a condom so it doesnt show on the x-ray?


Well-Known Member
havnt you seen that show locked up abroad? if not tell her to watch it and see if she still wants to try


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";1816752]havnt you seen that show locked up abroad? if not tell her to watch it and see if she still wants to try[/QUOTE]

yea, we've seen the show, and i am worried she'll be caught. but there has got to be a way, i mean im sure hundreds of people do this daily and only a few get caught. i realize she could very well be that few but come on. ive read news articles about people with more than 20 kilograms and yes you here these people get caught, but the drug traffickers are smart, their not going to keep sending people with multiple kilograms if most of them are getting caught. if theres a will theres has got to be a way.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Well... most advice here was good, but here's a run off of what you really gotta know:

1. Don't swallow stuff, even if they never ever find it, that was like the thing in the 70's when smuggling was all new.

2. Don't use containers/canisters/stashboxes or other hollowed out things... they CAN notice if a simple object can be seen through and will get suspicious if they can't see through it (like a deodorant can or a simple box)

3. Dog's arn't the thing anymore, so you don't need to worry about keeping it around you. Still a dog could be around, so tape it nicely with tape, not duct tape, simple transparent, but efficient tape.

4. Your best bet is always and will always be hiding stuff in no-no parts of your body. Here's a few: in your ass, vagina (both not that recommended), in your bra, next to your crotch (They ain't gonna grab you between your legs just like that and ask you what's down there).

DO NOT, and I can't emphasize this enough, hide stuff on the inside of your shirt/pants/hat, any other clothes you may have on or in your shoes! Stick to the no-no zones: in your bra (preferably get a push-up bra and hide the stuff in the extra space) or in your underwear (no g-string please), making sure that you secure them to these intimate accessories with top notch transparent tape (again, not duct tape!).

5. Make 100% sure that you give ALL metal objects to the scan and walk through the beepy gate 100% metal free. Seriously! No f*ckin metals (They beeped me once and I had some weed next to my crotch, they got all touchy and feely on me and still didn't find it, but still, it's best not to have any metals).

6. Don't take knives, scissors of any kind, toe nail clippers, guns, toy guns (they had me throw away my key chain 2inch gun toy!) or anything that remotely looks like any of these (I had a quartz crystal that they confused with a knife until i opened my bags and showed it).

7. The most important: BE POLITE, DON'T IN ANY WAY ACT SUSPICIOUS. EVEN A TWICH IS ENOUGH! If they do get to check you, act COOL, like you forgot a dime in your plants. COOPERATE!

Additional info: Check airport and airline policies to be sure you respect any and all of their demands, even if they sound totally stupid. Don't smell like booze. Have nice clothes on! For real, I never heard of a guy in a suite get busted...ever! Don't go all bein hippy-like, saying that the man is bringin you down! Act conformist!

Do not take your stash out in the plane's toilet, some actually have cameras!!! Take your stuff out when you've arrived at the airport, in a toilet or even better, at home if you can live with the discomfort.

This should be all you need to be 100% safe.

Again, I do not condone the breaking of international laws or use of hard drugs.

PS: after tightly wrapping your stuff with transparent tape, drip some essential oils (mint i find is strongest) on the tape so that any smell will be diverted, even for dogs. Don't overdo it, max 10 drops of really hard essential oil. This works great for weed, but might come in handy for you too.

PPS: Yes, Howard Marks is my hero.


Well-Known Member
I dont do drugs.. I just smoke green...
but I have an easy answer for you on this..

grab some pills .. (capsuls) they have cough and cold or flu medicine in the stores otc medicine that use capsules (the ones you can pull apart dump the powder out and fill with the herion) they will never know the difference.... she could stuff some in her vag like everyone is saying on there, but ya know they do cavity searches (what are the chances that she would get a cavity search ? slim to none.. but i'm thinking she wont stuff coke up her vag anyway) just tell her to do that...


New Member
Okay, here is a way off the top of my head...... I can remember a thing called BC headache powders.... you familiar? Buy a couple of multipaks and simply replace one or two of the folded powders with her heroin. Repackage tightly and put into makeup bag in luggage. Should be okay......

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
How about hiding it in a sanitary towel and pretend her rag is round the corner? That she felt cramps in the morning and didn't want to end up bleeding all over her undies on the plane..


Active Member
Wrap it in plastic, then in tissue, then two pcs of chewed up bubble yum. Hold it in your mouth till you get through security. Spit it out into a tissue. When you get where it safe pull it apart and the gum will pull the tissue off leaving you your plastic baggie. Then get some suboxone. Heroin never ends well.


Active Member
Wrap it in plastic, then in tissue, then two pcs of chewed up bubble yum. Hold it in your mouth till you get through security. Spit it out into a tissue. When you get where it safe pull it apart and the gum will pull the tissue off leaving you your plastic baggie. Then get some suboxone. Heroin never ends well.
thank you man, this is what ill do, unless someone can tell me how this can go wrong. that is genius man.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I really don't want to spoil the idea and I have no idea about this, cause I don't chew gum, but don't they ask you to throw your chewing gum away in front of them at the security point?


Well-Known Member
Please see if you can't arrange an ibogaine session for her... (well technically she may need about 3), but if anything can cure her addiction, that is the ticket.

Which is why it is illegal in only the USA.... they can't make money out of you if you are not addicted.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Please see if you can't arrange an ibogaine session for her... (well technically she may need about 3), but if anything can cure her addiction, that is the ticket.

Which is why it is illegal in only the USA.... they can't make money out of you if you are not addicted.
Much more effective than methadone IMO. But what if she doesn't want to stop doing it? I mean, there are people addicted to shit who still like to do it not only because they have an addiction.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
psst.. I loved being addicted to morphine leave me out of that no one list ;-). hahaha.