Hermi Clone?


all my plants are flowering as i set the lights to 12/12 about two weeks ago and i didnt manage to get a clone from one of them before putting them into flower (the plants are from seed)

i saw that on the lower branches of the plant i wanted to take make a clone from there was a bit of growth with no bud forming so i took a cutting but looking at it now it is looking like it is developing pollen sacks? the seed was feminised so im guessing this is a hermi?

my question is then i guess firstly can you confirm what this is?
and secondly if it is a hermi is it any use to me? its under 24 hour lighting so is it possible it will revert back to vegitation and i can grow it into a mum and take female cuttings from it?




Well-Known Member
yup thats female preflowers i had the same thought when i sah those on mine but they are female my man! Congrats on the girl!


thanks all, i thought i had killed it aswell, put it under a 75W MH and thought it would be ok but came back to it and it was completely flopped down on the soil, i put a bag over it, sprayed it and propped it up with cocktail sticks and now its seemed to of recovered!