

Hi I'm a first time grower and planted several random seeds from some pretty decent weed into my garden this spring. I had about 15 plants sprout and since then have gotten rid of several runts and 3 definite males that were flowering only seeds/football shaped pods all over. Now I have 6 plants left that have all showed white hairs/pistils. The one I have attached pictures of is what I consider my baby because it looked the most promising at first. However I think its been stressed possibly to over or under watering, not sure. I think it may be a hermaphrodite??? It was the first to show white hairs by nearly 2 weeks, other are just now starting to show. It does look to be starting to grow some nice buds but just over the last few days I've noticed these pods at the base of the buds. Can anyone confirm this from my pics? Also, if it is a hermie, will it still produce good bud just with seeds? Or should I pull it so it doesn't pollenate all my females? Thanks for your help...



Active Member
let it go through man.. u have a male in the area that maybe got ur girl here prego.. therefore hence the swollen calyxes?
is everyone SURE that those are balls, cuz i am not.


Well-Known Member
Definitely has male and female parts. If you have other plants, cut it down and make butter. If not, pick off the male flowers and see what happens. Seeds won't be worth growing. Toss them in the garbage.


Well what do you guys think? Should I pull it or let it go and see what kind of harvest I get? Like I said, my other 5 plants have white hairs too but not as far along in the flowering stages so who knows if they will turn hermie too since I got all these seeds from bags of some good. And if the other 5 plants don't turn hermie I don't want to pollinate them by letting this one live. Maybe it's too late for all of them? :-?


Well-Known Member
If even one of those pollen pods open up around your other girls your whole harvest is shot. If you want to get it away from them and grow it out you can try and cut the balls off and maybe save it or let it go and you'll get bad shwag. Either way, get it away from your other plants, not worth the risk.


Well since I put absolutely no money into this crop I'm going to try and tweeze these balls off this girl and see what happens. First experience growing should be an educational one! Thanks for the help everyone.


Active Member
I'd remove it from the main grow and have a small plot for tht one plant. Seeing as tht its ur 1st grow you want to be successful you dont want shwa! Dont fuck up a potential good batch cuz you didnt want to simply remove one plant.


Well-Known Member
Remove it from the rest of your grow, or risk all your plants being full of useless seeds. I've thrown away thousands of seeds when one turned hermie.

Better to insure a quality harvest.


I had the same exact thing happen this year. Out of 12 seedlings I ended up with one herme. I just wrapped it in a plastic bag and tossed it, like everyone said it wasnt worth the risk.


my 1st time growin, i started with 175 seeds that sprouted and im down to 50 plants but i have no idea wut sex they are yet...is it to early to tell or am i just really clueless?? i germ. begin of may so thats 3 months allready. My friend has been growin for years but shes a lil confuzed too... help plzz :D we dont no if we got males, fems or hermes????