Hermaphrodite plant?


Well-Known Member
most people don't know s**t, just because your plant shows a bannana it doesnt meant that it's a hermie. Thats why everyone gets freaked out with the name Hermie, the picture in thid thread is a hermie, full blown pollen sacs & pistills, not just the odd bannana here & there. Hermies are rare, a plant with a few bannans is just trying to carry on there genetics, doesnt mean hermie.
Um ......isn't the definition of hermaphrodite this....A plant species in which male and female organs occur. If so thats a fucking hermie and you're right people don't know shit.


Well-Known Member
There are a bunch of diiferent processes we call "hermies".

It is a good name for a plant that produces unwanted pollen from a seemingly female plant.

Agreed, true hermies are rare, but plants that won't finish without producing some male flowers are undesirable.

I never use such as breeding stock.


Well-Known Member
Wow, good photos of your plant, you can really tell its different. I have never actually sen a Hermi plant before, as I am new at this and have only bought feminized seeds. But even though I only buy feminized seeds I did have two males, and they were my Diesel's:cry:. I kinda worried about identifying males from females, but no more, the differences are vast, very easy (now) to tell the two apart. The Hermi however, I don't know it almost seems like a female, I would have had the same problem with this. Hey best of luck with the rest of your grow.:peace:


yeh i hear that, as they could continue there characteristics and you dont want the odd pollen sack ruining you crop.


Well-Known Member
correct, everyone calls a female plant with the odd pollen sack a hermie, but it isn't
I guess what you mean by this is that a true hermaphrodite plant will grow pollen sacs and female hairs at the same time where as some strains will be stressed into growing a few sacs here and there late into flowering...but what do we call those then?
Definately a herm. Looks like it has already pollenated too. This one looks real obvious. The real nasty hermies are the ones where you have what you are positive is a ripely flowering female and you find one male nutsack close to the stem in the center of the plant. And it's already opened and pollenated. Bad jojo.
Don't know that it's been mentioned yet but the seeds of a hermie pollenated female will always have the herm trait. Might be strong, like what buddy had in the pictures, or it might be very slight, like one male nutsack on a otherwise perfect female. Either way, it will ruin your whole day.
discovered through reading entries and comparing pictures that i have 12 hermaphrodites, 8 are blueberry of which i trained for weeks they have many tops. the other 4 are 2 chronic and 2 ata tundras. Shortly after flowering i fucked up my light schedule drastically and have recently come to realise they all very much resemble 'hermies'.
can i stil yield bud? (may atempt to attack the balls as they appear)
will my seeds be female?
and wil they be cross bred with my varietys? they are in a budbox tent under 600wat and have been flowering for 2weeks. but have been in the dark for 3 days since i discovered they were hermie. help please
sorry to pop out of the blue with that one but i need urgent help, and this is only my 3rd grow. what should i do????
i still want a yield and wouldnt mind sum female seeds


Active Member
Wait...isn't it true that feminized seeds have 1 parent that is a hermie because it gives the seeds produced a 80% chance of being female?

To the OP: that is a hermie for sure though
yes hermies are created through the Colladial Silver method though so the hermie trait isnt upfront. and when they produce seeds its a 100% female rate. because a female hermie pollen has the XX gene locked into it, and a natural female has the XX gene locked into it. so them breeding creates 100% XX genes in seeds with a chance of them going XXY (hermie) because they were produced by a hermie.

im currently doing an experiment to see if feminized seeds produced by stress induced hermie pollen will be stable and not hermie...if they dont hermie or only a few hermie i will post a thread on how to breed easy feminized seeds for the average joe.


Well-Known Member
In my last years plant i had a female hinsu kush and some buds had a couple seeds. Didn't show any signs of a male what so ever but female plants sometimes produce seeds as a way of survival to pass down its genes.


Active Member
One other thing. Spray clear water over all your plants to kill any loose pollen, and minimize seeds. Seeds fathered OR "mothered" by a hermie are useless.

Good luck!
Ain't that the way to produce Feminized Seeds??? BY, Stressing out a Female plant to the point of turning it into a Hermapherodite,A Female plant that produces Male pollen sacks then you COLLECT that Hermi Polllen to pollenate a perfectly HEALTHY female and that should give 99.9% Feminized seeds???
I think so anyways..

Good experiment and try it out.... Everything is worth a try...!