Hermaphrodite Females and Seeds


Well-Known Member
I buy female seeds when I want a new strain, this current batch are female Kush plants. I guess when you leave the plants growing for longer than supposed to the plant will turn hermaphrodite and begin to produce seeds. Theres maybe 10 seeds that I have noticed out of a pound so not a big deal at all. I was wondering is that how they get female seeds? Makes sense to me, if not how do they know they are female seeds?



Active Member
To produce feminized seeds, the breeder takes a female plant and forces it to turn hermaphrodite through some environmental or hormonal method. The plant is self-pollinated, and the resultant seeds express a strong female bias.

This article shows a study done on Urtica dioica (Stinging nettle).


Well-Known Member
Thanx Zero, thats exactly what I thought, its the only thing that makes sense.

*Gimme The Spliffff*
Yes, Buying normal seeds the ratio to male to female is 50/50. You cant tell what a plant is till you begin flowering and by that time you have already put a lot of effort into growing them. Some will cut small clones after a few weeks of growing and flower those clones to see which are male/female then kill off the male plants once you know, then cut female clones. Personally its more trouble than its worth, I gladly pay the extra 10% for female seeds to know what I am growing are definitely females then cut clones just before flowering so no need to buy more seeds.

Gimme The Spliffff

Active Member
Thanx Zero, thats exactly what I thought, its the only thing that makes sense.

*Gimme The Spliffff*
Yes, Buying normal seeds the ratio to male to female is 50/50. You cant tell what a plant is till you begin flowering and by that time you have already put a lot of effort into growing them. Some will cut small clones after a few weeks of growing and flower those clones to see which are male/female then kill off the male plants once you know, then cut female clones. Personally its more trouble than its worth, I gladly pay the extra 10% for female seeds to know what I am growing are definitely females then cut clones just before flowering so no need to buy more seeds.
:weed: mmm


Well-Known Member
is it cheaper or less work just to buy female seeds and just keep growing them or is it cheaper/easy to clone the plants?

I take clones myself, since i need to take 40 each month it would be cost prohibitive to use feminized seed. There is a bit more work involved cutting and prepping , but they grow fast as hell, 3 weeks from cuttings and they are a foot tall, 1 more week and they are 24" and go into flowering. I use Hydro FWIW. Its certainly cheaper, the only cost is the cloning gel, which lasts for a couple years.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely its better to clone, to start off tho go with female seeds so u can clone before flowering and know they r female clones, then of coarse u know they are females when u begin to flower. I had a mix a few crops ago of male/female, we cought the males within a few a weeks but that was long enough to pollinate the females and there was a ton of seeds, the pot was still good but seedy.


Active Member
Cloning is better because there's less risk of non-germination and damping off of seedlings. Also, even when using 'feminized' seeds, there's still the chance of germinating a male plant -- not the case when you're cloning a female.

Feminized seeds are a good bet for someone like myself who just wants to grow a plant or two outside without having to clone plants to figure out their sex.