Herman Cain Tweaks 9 9 9

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
He's trying to cater to the wants and needs of everyone, and you see that as "pandering"

No wonder this country is fucked up.

"my way or the highway"


New Member
So 9-0-9 if you make under 23k in a family of 4....right...nice little trick these people don't even pay an income tax because thats under minimum wage and now they will pay 9% more..

I thought his economist went over the numbers and he invited us to go over them as well....like a said nice little trick to sneak the 9% sales tax in....

Herman Cain, member of the CFR, the Federal Reserve, and probably some sort of satanic cult...What happened to "If your not rich its your fault" ...this douschebag says something absolutely retarded every single day...yesterday he says that he don't think abortion is murder and that the government shouldn't police it..Lets see how well that goes over with the GOP, the republican talking heads were furious about this today...They were also furious with Romney and Christy...

Glenn beck and Mark levine throwing tantrums on the radio because the Republican "front-runners" only care about themselves and not the conservative or libertarian agenda....Hellllllllllllloooooooo Ron Paull.....

9-9-9 Also known as the default values in Sim City. Herman Cain is a moron!


Well-Known Member

You guys happy now?
Now all he needs to do is raise taxes on people making over 500k and I think we've got a pretty damn good tax code.
This also shows how Cain is open to listening to both sides of the fence.
I like Cain but he hasn't won my vote

I am for a sincerer powerful government that actually gets laws passed by citizen votes .......


I am completely against corrupt government & that's why RP should end the fed so we can restart.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member

You guys happy now?
Now all he needs to do is raise taxes on people making over 500k and I think we've got a pretty damn good tax code.
This also shows how Cain is open to listening to both sides of the fence.
How about a tax on capital gains? Also a national sales tax discourages economic activity.

Why don't we just take our existing tax structure and close all the loopholes. Then everyone's happy right?

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
So 9-0-9 if you make under 23k in a family of 4....right...nice little trick these people don't even pay an income tax because thats under minimum wage and now they will pay 9% more..

I thought his economist went over the numbers and he invited us to go over them as well....like a said nice little trick to sneak the 9% sales tax in....

Herman Cain, member of the CFR, the Federal Reserve, and probably some sort of satanic cult...What happened to "If your not rich its your fault" ...this douschebag says something absolutely retarded every single day...yesterday he says that he don't think abortion is murder and that the government shouldn't police it..Lets see how well that goes over with the GOP, the republican talking heads were furious about this today...They were also furious with Romney and Christy...

Glenn beck and Mark levine throwing tantrums on the radio because the Republican "front-runners" only care about themselves and not the conservative or libertarian agenda....Hellllllllllllloooooooo Ron Paull.....

9-9-9 Also known as the default values in Sim City. Herman Cain is a moron!
1. People considered living in 'poverty' pay 10% in income taxes.
2. If you arnt rich it is YOUR fault, lmao, whos fault is it if your not rich? Please, enlighten me.
3. "probably a member of a satanic cult" wow, dude, how old are you? You sound like some college kid barley exposed to the real world
4. So, since the "talking heads" don't agree with what he said. Thats reputable to you? You think Glen Beck's opinion matters? lmao, says alot about YOU
5. Yes, call the guy who came out of the projects and took over a HUGE failing company and turned it around a moron. Says the guy on the marijuana growing website.

You give Ron Paul supporters a bad name


New Member
1. People considered living in 'poverty' pay 10% in income taxes. Whats your point? Everyone will still pay more.
2. If you arnt rich it is YOUR fault, lmao, whos fault is it if your not rich? Please, enlighten me. ? Some people aren't rich and its not their fault. Get out much?
3. "probably a member of a satanic cult" wow, dude, how old are you? You sound like some college kid barley exposed to the real world Ive been out of school for 10 years and I do quite well, nice cheap shot, this was for the most part a joke...but he does seem evil to me.
4. So, since the "talking heads" don't agree with what he said. Thats reputable to you? You think Glen Beck's opinion matters? lmao, says alot about YOU You misinterpreted what I wrote here. I meant they agree with me on this but they still back Cain when Ron Paul is the obvious choice.
5. Yes, call the guy who came out of the projects and took over a HUGE failing company and turned it around a moron. Says the guy on the marijuana growing website. He is a moron and a liar, he lies and says something stupid every time he talks.

You give Ron Paul supporters a bad name Cheap shot
You misinterpruted my whole post and took cheap shots at me. I responded in red above.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
1. Can you do math? People living in poverty currently pay 10%. Under Cains plan they pay 0% income, and 9% on a federals sales tax. So, even if they were to spend 100% of what they make (which is stupid) they are still paying 1% less. But, if you buy used goods, not part of that 9%. Also, if you are SMART you DO NOT spend 100% of what you make.
2. Yes some people arnt rich and are content with that. Some people WANT to be rich and work their ass of to get there. So yes, if you are not rich, it is your fault. We live in a country where if you WANT something you can go out and get it.
3. ok, and also calling it the 666 plan, real mature
4. Ok
5.No he just isnt set on Social Issues. The last thing our country needs to be worrying about in these days are social issues. If you are referring to abortion, he has said clearly, His PERSONAL stance is pro-life. BUT he belives the government shouldn't tell YOU what to do with YOUR body. Which you HAVE to agree with if you are a RP supporter.


Well-Known Member
So 9-0-9 if you make under 23k in a family of 4....right...nice little trick these people don't even pay an income tax because thats under minimum wage and now they will pay 9% more..

I thought his economist went over the numbers and he invited us to go over them as well....like a said nice little trick to sneak the 9% sales tax in....

Herman Cain, member of the CFR, the Federal Reserve, and probably some sort of satanic cult...What happened to "If your not rich its your fault" ...this douschebag says something absolutely retarded every single day...yesterday he says that he don't think abortion is murder and that the government shouldn't police it..Lets see how well that goes over with the GOP, the republican talking heads were furious about this today...They were also furious with Romney and Christy...

Glenn beck and Mark levine throwing tantrums on the radio because the Republican "front-runners" only care about themselves and not the conservative or libertarian agenda....Hellllllllllllloooooooo Ron Paull.....

9-9-9 Also known as the default values in Sim City. Herman Cain is a moron!
How is 23k under minimum wage?

The federal minimum wage is $7.25 x 40 hours per week x 52 weeks in a year and you get $15,080.


New Member
How is 23k under minimum wage?

The federal minimum wage is $7.25 x 40 hours per week x 52 weeks in a year and you get $15,080.
Yea your right, I misspoke....under 23k for a family of four is considered poverty by government standards.


New Member
1. Can you do math? People living in poverty currently pay 10%. Under Cains plan they pay 0% income, and 9% on a federals sales tax. So, even if they were to spend 100% of what they make (which is stupid) they are still paying 1% less. But, if you buy used goods, not part of that 9%. Also, if you are SMART you DO NOT spend 100% of what you make. 10% of what? You get ALL your taxes back if your poor. Its 9% more than what they pay now. Have you never been poor?
2. Yes some people arnt rich and are content with that. Some people WANT to be rich and work their ass of to get there. So yes, if you are not rich, it is your fault. We live in a country where if you WANT something you can go out and get it.
What about disabled people without a family.
3. ok, and also calling it the 666 plan, real mature It is an evil plan, its just funny you flip the numbers over and its 666, Id say its appropriate.
4. Ok
5.No he just isnt set on Social Issues. The last thing our country needs to be worrying about in these days are social issues. If you are referring to abortion, he has said clearly, His PERSONAL stance is pro-life. BUT he belives the government shouldn't tell YOU what to do with YOUR body. Which you HAVE to agree with if you are a RP supporter. Isn't set on social issues? Really? Does this country need another dude that "will do what his 'advisors tell him" or do we need someone that knows how to restore the republic, end crony captilism thus saving the economy, and actually has a plan to cut 1 trillion dollars in the first year and balance the budget in 3 years...

On abortion, I agree but the problem is most republicans believe that abortion is murder and that you have no right to murder, he is going for the republican vote and he just infuriated all of them along with the talking heads.

In his audit of the fed that was unanimously supported in congress, Ron Paul dug a little in around the FEDS back yard and found it full of bodies, 16.1 trillion bodies, half of our national debt.

Answer me this.....Should he keep digging?

Former FED Chairman Herman Cain thinks its not important. Insider Herman Cain, likes Alan Greenspan. Alan Greenspan a man that said he has regretted much of what he has done. Herman cain says he already 'has someone in mind to replace bernanke but he won't tell us who it is.

Herman cain's plan is not bold. The banksters have been trying to rob us with a national sales tax for a very long time. If they got our money...If history of the income tax is an indication, they would increase it..30 years from now it will be the 20-20-20 plan.

And further, IT IS A VALUE ADDED TAX, Weak fucking argument against such a sinister plan to ROB HUMANITY BLIND....but it is true.

The 666 plan in my view is at the pinnacle of crimes against civil liberties. So you see why I like to call it the 666 plan. Money is the root of all evil.

And as a libertarian its mind boggling to me how anyone can support giving the government ANY money whatsoever. As a left leaning libertarian herman cain is essentially my worse nightmare, hes a corporate conservative. That is fucking scary as hell for me (see sig).

Based on solely, what herman cain has said, and its not much as he really doesn't have MUCH OF AN OPINION OR PHILISOPHY AT ALL (maybe thats why some people like him, how can you disagree with that eh) .....Based on this evidence we have, Herman cain on the political spectrum would be the most authoritarian president EVER. While Dr Paul has fought for my liberty and your liberty in congress for OVER 30 Years...Herman Cain helped to make your life harder by enabling the mega corporations to rape the land and the people at the fed, hes printed money from thin air....

You know...Herman Cain...I think hes just a distraction for the people, he is a clear distraction for the liberty movement. They plastered him all over Rupert Murdochs News Corp Media even with Glenn Beck the fake libertarian who also serves as a distraction for real libertarians. Why does Glenn Beck back this guy yet he supposedly realized the FED are the biggest enemy to humanity? Because this is all a distraction. They want libertarian minded people looking at Herman Cain and not Ron Paul, whom they never even speak his name. And they want the Ron Paul supporters furious at you making idiots out of themselves like I have done here....
