Herm or male???


Well-Known Member
the only way to know is if theirs hairs also? Its prolly male, thats what I thought. It has no smell either. mine are like 5 weeks old and smell like strait dank


Well-Known Member
yeah no, he should just start over and get better lights. A couple CFL's in a table lamp will do for a couple weeks from seed.


Well-Known Member
If you didn't know that thing had more nuts than a squirrels winter stash, you probably shouldn't be schooling anyone on growing... :D :weed:


Well-Known Member
I gave him some perlite and peat moss I had left over too. Gave him some guano and worm castings also. His soil was cheapo shit from dollar store.


Well-Known Member
Thats what you are there for you can teach him the ropes im quite sure he can learn from you.If not tell him join up,get on the internet and read look at pics.
Everyone says my plants look shitty and minimal too but I think for this being my first grow Im doing better than most. I dont have posts everyday with mad problems going on. But will you check out my thread in sig and tell me your opinion? thx +rep