Here we go again


New Member
Another nonsense election to see who gets to wear the brass balls and rule the bully pulpit. I'm more trending to Obama, but really don't believe that any significant changes will be done by either party. It will still be mostly rich white guys running the country. The right will want more military engagements, less taxes, especially on the rich, and less regulations and basically less government period. The left will mostly want to help the middle class and the poor, improve our health system, erase poverty, tax the rich, rebuild our infrastructure, and basically just more of the same old bullshit. How could one that makes less than 250,000 a year make up their minds? I say just flip a coin. I'll bet that in 4 more years, things will be worse, not better, no matter who wins. Well I guess I'm a bit cynical, Eh?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Another nonsense election to see who gets to wear the brass balls and rule the bully pulpit. I'm more trending to Obama, but really don't believe that any significant changes will be done by either party. It will still be mostly rich white guys running the country. The right will want more military engagements, less taxes, especially on the rich, and less regulations and basically less government period. The left will mostly want to help the middle class and the poor, improve our health system, erase poverty, tax the rich, rebuild our infrastructure, and basically just more of the same old bullshit. How could one that makes less than 250,000 a year make up their minds? I say just flip a coin. I'll bet that in 4 more years, things will be worse, not better, no matter who wins. Well I guess I'm a bit cynical, Eh?
your characterization of "the right" as the neocons who are essentially militant internationalist free traders is false.

most of the people on the "right" are constitutionalists who dont want to see the US turn into post war europe version 2.0 with socialism, marxism and labour unions running the country at the expense of the people who work hard for what they got (or inherited it from their hardworking parents/ancestors) i for one, if i suddenly became rich would attempt to defend my wealth with every trick in the book so my kids could have a better start in life than i got, so they wouldnt have to sacrifice their bodies on the altar of wage slavery. would you not do the same?

your characterization of "the left" is similarly simplistic.

the people on the left want a better life too, but they have been told again and again that the only reason they are poor is because some rich guy stole their dreams before they were even born. they have been duped into a cargo cultist mentality that all wealthy people got that way through exploitation, graft and greed, not hard work, thrift and intelligence.

the leftist politicians dont give two squirts of piss for the poor. if they did then the last 60 years of "war on Poverty" might show signs of improvement, not the downward trend we have seen throughout the existence of this moronic line of bullshit.

both sides are trying to woo the "middle class" of merchants middle managers and salesmen for their votes because the wealthy will almost always choose the republican candidate to protect their wealth, and most of the truely poor will grasp at any straw to save themselves from drowning, and the democrats specialize in crafting dreamy lines of nonsense to lure in the desperate, the poor and the oppressed, despite their long record of not doing shit about the plight of the people they claim to want to help.

if youre making anywhere around $250k then it doesnt matter which one you choose, both will bend over backwards to satisfy your desires at the expense of the poor, or in the case of the democrats, the rich and poor alike. only the rich and "middle class" are truely represented in american politics today, and they are the ones who dont need any help.

the bottom 50% are the ones getting shit on by all sides, taking the blame for all the ills of the world, and derided and insulted by the clowns on top, and the ones who have at least been able to climb out of the gutter.

picture the working poor in your mind,

if youre a democrat you see a white trash hillbilly riding in a jacked up pickup with 10 foot tires drinking pabst blue ribbon on his way to a klan rally while dumping used motor oil on passing baby ducklings

if youre a republican youll see a dirty slothful negro lurking in the bushes waiting for some white women to rape after drinking a 40 of olde english that he bought with his baby-momma's welfare check.

neither side represents reality and only a fool accepts either of these images as truth. as long as enough of the morons keep singing the song they read in their side's hymnal any vote will only result in more of the same, and thats more despair, less prosperity all around and more of the socialism or plutocracy that both parties sell.

does it really matter in the end if the nation is run by a secretive cabal of corporate executives and money managers or an equally secretive cabal of party elite aparachiks? nope. not a bit.

fortunately mitt romeny is NOT a neocon, nor is he a marxist, obama is not a hardline marxist, but he is as close as we have ever gotten in the presidency. he hasnt really shit all over us yet (obamacare is still in it's nascent stage, and may soon develop massive powers of fecal distribution) but i for one would rather see romney that the aloof one in the whitrehouse. romney is the lesser evil if you arent on the public dole, or a shiftless lazy occupy dumbass who wants an anarcho-socilaist utopia where everybody has to work real hard, so he doesnt have to work at all. in that case, vote obama.


Well-Known Member
Another nonsense election to see who gets to wear the brass balls and rule the bully pulpit. I'm more trending to Obama, but really don't believe that any significant changes will be done by either party. It will still be mostly rich white guys running the country. The right will want more military engagements, less taxes, especially on the rich, and less regulations and basically less government period. The left will mostly want to help the middle class and the poor, improve our health system, erase poverty, tax the rich, rebuild our infrastructure, and basically just more of the same old bullshit. How could one that makes less than 250,000 a year make up their minds? I say just flip a coin. I'll bet that in 4 more years, things will be worse, not better, no matter who wins. Well I guess I'm a bit cynical, Eh?

Bad bet. Recessions such as this one take years to come out of. Eventually we will. We will be in heavy debt but still nothing that can't be corrected. What will likely happen is what has happened in the past. Dems will come to power and begin to clean things up and then Republicans will follow them and screw everything up claiming things like "its your money, you should get it back".


Well-Known Member
Bad bet. Recessions such as this one take years to come out of. Eventually we will. We will be in heavy debt but still nothing that can't be corrected. What will likely happen is what has happened in the past. Dems will come to power and begin to clean things up and then Republicans will follow them and screw everything up claiming things like "its your money, you should get it back".
Remember the "tax rebate" checks George Bush handed out twice?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i paid off credit cards that i ran up in college. broad strokes for simple folks.
damn right. i bought a beat up motorcycle and fixed that fucker up for daily riding instead of my truck.

im like captain planet over here, recycling shit and saving the earth with my lower gasoline consumption.

can a Nobel Prize be far away? i think not!