Here Is Your GREEN Future


New Member
its a bit wank when I have to pay more for my old cars petrol than a new car does!

and dont start on that nonsense mph. total bollox. Here in Spain they have just wasted a billion lowering the speed limits for that very reason! Yet guess what?? My car uses twice as much fuel stuck behind an idiot driving 30 and im stuck in 3rd gear than it does for me to drive 140km ph. Its avbout revs and the car and the way you drive, not speed!

*rant over, directed at a seriously crap Spanish government :-)

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
another pseud-religious, metaphysical, and unscientific view of the free market system.

you cannot talk 'spirit' when talking economics, unless you are looking at it from a purely theoretical, 'for the sake of discussion' point of view.
...and you cannot spend your way out of a deficit either can you?

It's not a free market now... I'll agree with you there are dangers presented when monopolies are unchecked.... the BIGGEST monopoly is the United States government isn't it?