Herbs For Repelling Insects in the garden

Nilla Ice

For those who garden out there, I just thought it would be helpful to have a list of herbs that can also repell pests in your gardens. Intermingled in the garden, herbs can keep vegetable crops free of most pests. Here's a short list that I'll keep adding to:

Basil- Prevents against Asparagus Beetles, Tomato Heartworms and Thrips. How to Grow Basil

Chives- Prevents against Aphids, Spider Mites and Japanese Beetles. How to Grow Chives

Cilantro- Prevents against Aphids, Spider Mites and Colorado Potato Beetle. How to Grow Cilantro

Dill- Prevents against Aphids, Spider Mites and Cabbage Moths. How to Grow Dill

Rosemary- Prevents against imported cabbage worms and slugs. How to Grow Rosemary

Mint- Prevents against Ants, Aphids, Cucumber beetles, flea beetles, imported cabbage worms, rodents, squash bugs and white flies. How to Grow Mint

Parsley- Prevents against Carrot flies and asparagus beetles. How to Grow Parsley

Nilla Ice

Nice, I was unaware of that aspect of Dill. Thank you for sharing. Here's a couple more I managed verify:

Thyme- Strong aroma wards off most flying insects as well as rodents. How to Grow Thyme

Oregano- Oregano is most useful against the intrusion of rodents. Say goodbye to mice and rats destroying your garden. How to Grow Oregano

Locked Up

Well-Known Member
I've heard that marigolds are also very good for repelling some insects not sure which ones though