Hempy LST?


Active Member
They will hold in just perlite?? In the past (organic grows) I have tried to hold out to LST until node 7-8... This proves tricky once the main stem starts to harden. I will go 3rd or 4th node for the hempy when the stems are at least a little more flexible? I guess I was just wondering if there are any issues to look out for. This will be my 1st hempy grow so back to noobsville for me. Hey thanks Jetstream'n


Active Member
This is the 1st time for me starting in a NON soil situation... I bought Sure to Grow starter cubes, guy at the hydro store said they are better than rockwool because they do not need to be treated 1st and are easy to use. Since I have never used rockwool I guess I'll never really know if that was true. lol Going to soak my beans (GHS GreatWhiteShark, Nirvana AK48 & Papaya, Barneys G13 Haze) and when they open it's tap root down into the starter cube and put them in a solo w/perlite then heat matt/humidity dome? Is this right? This is some $ in seeds so I can't fuk up. I know most of you are sick of helping noobs but if there is anyone willing to help me through this grow that would be so awesome. Always good to feel like you have a place to go when shit goes wrong. I just got another pH meter, had the milwaukee pH600 and it was SUCK! The reading would just keep going up and down never actually stopping on anything. So frustrating. pH has always been a real problem for me so I am definately worried about hempy and pH. Got the Hanna pHep4 and it works well. I always use distilled and I am using Botanicare nutes. I will try to get my pH at 5.8 but my question is do you feed w/every watering in a hempy bucket or every other? And would that be the right way to start the seeds?


Well-Known Member
Hey Blitz. I just started 2 clones in hempy cups and my last grow was 7 C99 in the hempy cups, so hopfully I can help. first off, I usually keep a humidity dome on them once they go into the cups only for a few days slowly taking it off a little more every day. second, LST is not a prob in hempy, though i would start it at about 4-5 node. just bend it as far as you can without pulling it out and tie it down. leave it for a few days then you can retie it a little more if you need to. once your roots take hold in the perlite you will not have any probs. Now to the important part. when feeding, first off make sure you are using half strength nutes from what the bottle tells you to. my feed schedule is usually on a 2 day cycle where i Feed on day one, wait day 2, pure water on day 3 then wait again day 4. then start the cycle over again. Does that make sense? On my first hempy setup it got real ugly twords the end and i figured out that the salt buildup in the bottom of the cup was crazy!!! It's a lot harder to flush that stuff out in hempy, at least it was for me. Make sure you Flush really well about once every other week or this wil happen to you as well. Also, I've got no problem helping noobs around here. I believe that is what this site is for, helping each other out. Any questions you may have durring your grow feel free to PM me or post and I wil do my best to help you out. Good luck and happy growing!!!


Active Member
TJP thanks! I'm going to work on the buckets today and get the holes drilled. I'm using 3.5 gal black buckets. Going to put my holes 1" from the bottom and I'm using a 7/8" bit. Mixing the perlite 3-1 w/vermiculite... Like I said, for nutes I'm using Botanicare Pro Grow & Bloom + Sweet, Liquid Karma and Cal-Mag... I will cut any dose on the feeding chart in 1/2. You made perfect sense with the watering and I did not realize you water so much w/a hempy grow. I am use to soil and water maybe once a week sometimes less! Ok, so 1st couple questions...
1. Do I pH adjust the water from the start (even with the seedlings before they come up until vegetative)?
2. Does the pH change if the mix sits or will it stay stable after being adjusted and nutes added?
3. Should I mix the nutes and let it sit for 24 and will it need an airstone?
I am stoaked mostly for the Barney's G13 Haze... It's a strain I have always wanted to try. What is C99?


Well-Known Member
Knowing when to water with a hempy system is easy. pick up your bucket and tilt it twords the hole on the side. the more to have to tilt it before the water runs out tells you how much they are drinking. after doing it a few times it will become more obvious to you when they need it. now on to your questions:
1. Yes. always ph your water every time you water/feed them. Do this all the way through the grow because if your ph is off your plants will have a hard time taking up certain nutes, which will not keep them happy. I have a ph chart that shows what nutes will be effected at each ph level. I will try to find that and post it up for you. always good to have!!
2. I'm not too sure about this one. I usually mix up my feed for what i need on every individual feeding. like i said, after doing it a few times you'll get a good idea of how much they are taking up. remember to always check your ph before and after adding the nutes because some nutes will cause the ph to change a bit. rule of thumb, always check it before you feed it to them.
3. Once again, i usually mix the nutes right before i feed them. I have never had to let them sit for any period. If you do have extra left over you can store them for a little bit, in which case i recommend an airstone in the container to keep the nutes from settling and spoiling. also keep the container in a cool dark place so not light can get to it. This could result in algae growth.

hope this helps. If you're not clear let me know and i'll try to word it better. I'll also try to find that ph chart for you asap.
G13 is fun! never grown it but smoked the hell out of it last summer with some of my friends. C99 is Cinderella 99. Very potent stuff. hard to find the origional strain but i know the brothers grimm have some that are damn close!! (i usually grow from clone) look it up, really good stuff.
once again, good luck and happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Blitz

Welcome to hempy! I'm total all round noob doing my 1st hempy grow. That said i researched hard first(unlike many on here!) and i picked up some good tips

First i'd say if you're doing hempy, try and stick as close to the original hempy method as possible. The beauty then lies in the simplicity!

A lot of experienced hempy growers seem to aim for and recommend a ph of 6.2, i adjusted mine to this from 5.8 and my plants thanked me greatly.

Beware of letting anything dry out, i used r/w cubes an nearly baked my babes real quick in the first week. hopefully these new starter cubes you're trying work well for you.

You mention LST, another good tip is to drill a few tie off holes around the rim of the bucket before planting, that way they're there if you need them.

I noticed you said you plan on drainage holes 1" up, i would suggest 2" to increase the size of your res a bit, and therefore possible decrease how often you water them. My hole is 2" and i feed or water every 2 days(by then my res is empty). Like i say i'm quite noob so that one's just IMO. I give my tap water at least 24hrs to dechlorinate and mix nutes anything from 6-12hrs before feeding. I also like to give a plain ph'd water feed after every 2 nute feeds, this helps prevents salt build ups in your res and is more economical on your nutes

As previously said clones are prob the best idea with hempy. Be prepared for slow growth to start with, then prepare for the explosion! That's when the love affair with hempy really begins!
