Hempy info


Well-Known Member
Hello Fellow Green thumbs,

I posted this in the hydro forum first and got no reply, so thought i would try here.

I have been doing soil grows for a long time. So far I have had mostly good luck, and just the few bumps all of us growers go through.

I live in the middle of nowhere, and decent soil is hard to find, not to mention the amendments needed, I was thinking about switching to Hempy style. I have been reading up on it and it really seems like a much easier way to go. I have several bags of hydroton (clay pellets) laying around for my aquaponics set up, would I be able to use that effectively instead of perlite. I can get perlite from Lowes, the next time I am in town, but I would rather save the money if I don't need to spend it.


I grow Autos mostly, since I only have the one tent right now. The packet of Beans I have right now is Heavyweights, Fast and Fast, What size pot would be recommended. I have 5 gal grow bags right now. I have several 2.5 gallon pots laying about would that be big enough?

I am toying with the idea of using a large rubbermaid tote like this.


I am thinking of filling about half way with the clay pellets or so, and drilling a quarter inch or so hole in there and running some pvc pipe to a collection vessel.

Any reason that wouldnt work? Also, Ill have to order some nutes, I am out of those either way. What would you recommend?


Well-Known Member
this will work very well. keep a wet/dry vac on standby though.
If you can afford it advanced nutrients ph perfect is flawless
but they all do well at feeding your plants if mixed correctly and delivered
in a timely manner with good water.


Well-Known Member
I am very glad to hear this.

I am looking at the Advanced line of


I think this is the stuff you were talking about?

Im just trying to save money and do a good grow while I am at it. I figure if I can use materials, I already have on hand why not. I just havent had any experience with Hempy at all. My closest experience in this would be my aquaponics set up where I raise catfish, and use only their waste to grow plants. I have been tossing the idea around of trying MJ in that, but it has to be outside. Since I live in the middle of the Bible belt, Canna anything is a big no no. I am a christian, go to church believe in God, the whole works, but I can not see for the life of me why this medicine is a bad thing. My wife and I are pretty conservative, I tend to lead more towards Libertarian than anything, I am very patriotic, and Served in the Army until I was retired due to a broken neck. For the life of me, I do not see the harm. Alcohol is 10 times worse that pot will ever be. There are too many medical applications. It just makes no sense. Sorry I went political, just a pet peeve of mine.

To prove a point, I have an auto immune disease that fused all of my upper spine from my shoulders up to the C1. Also, my hips are fusing and year by year it gets harder to walk. One day, I will be in a wheel chair, that is just the reality. I hurt all the time, and Have PTSD to boot. Now what do my Docs want to do? Oxy's, morhpine pump, etc and all of the psych meds you can name.

Know what meds I take? I mix a bowl once a day of Vision Northern Lights Auto and Cream of the Crop Narcotherapy at about 50/50 and thats it. I get less pain and I get to not lay on the couch and drool all day. How many vets could be helped the same way I help myself?


Well-Known Member
I use perlite and vermiculite 70/30
And will never go back to soil.
After flower I rinse good allow it to dry and reuse it with no hiccups.
Sorry to hear about your condition and I'm glad you found a way to medicate and still enjoy your life.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
Any info on using clay instead?

Do you see any issues using on big container over multiple smaller ones?

On a side note I'm looking into doing cannatea as a day long drink a bit at a time medicine.


Well-Known Member
Any info on using clay instead?

Do you see any issues using on big container over multiple smaller ones?

On a side note I'm looking into doing cannatea as a day long drink a bit at a time medicine.
I've never used clay so shouldn't speculate.
P is very expensive or outlandish to ask someone to purchase for you.

Not sure what you mean but big versus small containers.
I use 3 gallon cat litter pails
Up potting small hempys can be a pita sometimes so u need to be patient while the roots fill in.

Never tried the teas myself but I know a few people getting good results from canna caps and edible oils.


Well-Known Member
I've never used clay so shouldn't speculate.
P is very expensive or outlandish to ask someone to purchase for you.

Not sure what you mean but big versus small containers.
I use 3 gallon cat litter pails
Up potting small hempys can be a pita sometimes so u need to be patient while the roots fill in.

Never tried the teas myself but I know a few people getting good results from canna caps and edible oils.

Vermiculite and Perlite is easy enough to get, and its rather cheap, I can order it online and pick it up on the next time in town. I have read a few threads that say they use 100% perlite. Any ideas on why?

What I meant with the question on big vs small containers, is I have a small supply of 2.5 gallon buckets, we use for strawberries, but I can always add more to the next order.

I was thinking about using a rubber maid tote which is 54 gallons 42.5 l x 21.5 w x 18 deep and filling with about 8 inches of perlite/verm. and planting 5-6 autos in it. I would of course drill two 1/4 or 1/8 holes and run two pvc lines from it to allow it to drain.

The other option is of course the standard 2.5 gallon bucket filled with the mixture, and i would put a hole in it 2 inches from the bottom and stick them in individual plastic trays.

Im not sure what you mean by : "P is very expensive or outlandish to ask someone to purchase for you." care to explain a bit further?

I have been browsing and it seems there are loads of attempts on using clay and none have really worked out very well at all. So Ill just go with what has been proven.

As far as the tea goes, im just exploring the idea. Maybe even cannabutter. Im always looking for healthier ways to take my meds. My health is limited as is ya know.


Well-Known Member
P is usually cheaper and easier to find.
I followed the advice of someone else and have been happy with the results.
I meant it's cheap and not like asking someone to grab you a bottle of big bud or zig zags.

Never heard anything but negatives about running more then one plant in a container so I'd recommend doing one in its own container. Those 2.5's should work ok.

I'm a joint roller myself but cannabutter and even some of the candies are a nice treat.


Well-Known Member
I started with 10 qt buckets,I ran out of buckets one day and used a 5 gallon instead.The growth rate is almost double in the bigger buckets in the same amount of time.I use perlite and the toe of an old sock filled with soil mix.The sock is like a micro smart pot,the roots will grow through the sock.This gives the clone or seedling a chance to get stronger before it hits the perlite.I have tried without the sock and it was not as good.