Hempy Bucket Grow Question


I'm growing 6 seedlings right now in rockwool that I soaked in distilled water for 30 minutes each before putting in germinated seeds. My plan is to pick the 2 best (decision will most likely be heavily biased because I happened to get 2 seeds out of the last 7 months from my bags of doughty and the other 4 are from a friends schwag) and transfer them to my buckets. I have a stealth dresser grow going on for this, so I really only have space for 2 plants that I will let grow to about 18" before flowering.

Anyway, my question is when to transfer. I have 4" rockwool cubes, kind of big to me. My plan from my research on hempy bucket was to let them grow in the rockwool until the roots are coming out of the bottom and grown all the way into the rockwool. I have helped do soil transfers from party cups before so I know when the root system looks like when you pull that chunk out. Being that I have kind of big rockwool cubes (only size my local hydro store had), I'm not sure if they will last long enough for that with just the water that is soaked into the cubes. Also I wasn't planning on adding my nutes at least until the tranfer, maybe until a week after. Is that OK, or should I add the nutes at the transfer.

I guess my real question is how long will my seedlings last in rockwool with just water, before I need to add nutes? I didn't want to add nutes until I transfer and get them in their final growing place.

Here are some pics I just took. The two cubes together are the good seeds.