Hemp Based MLM Opportunity


Well-Known Member
I’ll start this with the Stock aspects of this. The company that’s producing the products is MJNA.


The actual company behind all this does not have a stock yet (kannaway) but will next month, so I’m watching that for when their opening is.


So this is an interesting MLM (Multi-level Marketing) idea/opportunity for anyone that wants to jump aboard, CBD based products. This is brand new, just completed its Buzz Launch last month, and is now moving onto its Pre-Launch phase, so in my opinion its the best time to join something like this. What makes this even better is it’s legal and available for anyone in all 50 states. I tried to gather as much information on everything as I could to give you guys the best idea of how this all works so you can decided if you wanna try it. Essentially, you’re a CBD Avon Rep haha.

How is this Legal: When president Obama signed the 2014 Agricultural Act, it legalized the use of hemp in all states. Source:


Because of this, products containing CBD only (such as the ones offered) are legal everywhere for anyone to use and enjoy the health benefits.

Where Can i Sign-Up: Its easy, and better yet, Sign-Up is free, you just need a Sponsor-ID (where is where MLM comes in). Watch the videos, and sign up here:

Use Sponsor ID: 9366296


Once you sign up, you’ll get an ID and password. The ID you receive is your Sponsor ID, so you can sign up other people using it, which i recommend to get the most out of the MLM side of things.

How to Get Started: Once you sign in, its gonna ask you if you want to buy a product, thats your call, its not required, but it does preserve your powerline. I bought the Hemp Vape (a CBD e-cigarette) cause its cool and it’s gonna be nice to have a sample products to let people try and see. On the next page, you’ll see a few things:

IBOs - people you’ve signed up with your ID
Powerline - The power you have in your tier (tier is based off of how many people you’ve signed up, and they haven't announced them yet) it decides the % of your earnings
My Sponsor - who’s ID you used to sign up
Order Information - Where you order your products

Thats everything I have so far. If you join up, send me a PM and I can invite you to two G+ communities that have people ready to help and share information. Also, they have hangouts for the companies almost every day since they are still launching, I can direct you to those as well. They get uploaded to youtube so you can watch them to catch anything you (or I) missed.

Good luck. I hope someone find this interesting. Or we can have a nice chat about it here on the forums haha.