HELPP Brown spots on leaves!!


Can you positively rule out any sort of bug problem? Examine all leaf surfaces with a magnifying glass if possible...
Also, how vigorously have the plants been growing lately?


Active Member
Yeah bugs are deff out of the picture. And they have been growing very good. I just topped this plant a few days ago and its growing great. Please help


Active Member
I water ever 2-3 days or when the soil is dry a few inches down. I am only using 2 23W(100W equivalent) lights right now. I don't think its the lighting or water.maybe so but I dong think so. I only water it about a cup to a cup and a half of water. (9 fluid oz- 13.5 fluid oz.) At the most. Help me. It was only those two bottome set of leaves. I cut them off and the rest of the plant look great.


I wouldn't do anything yet...I go through at least 200 plants a year and I can say that some can have some pretty funky shit going on at first but they grow out of it, become healthy girls and I never know what ailed them. This here I'm not sure of but if there's no bugs, lights are good, etc etc...just leave it go and don't get too finicky...that's the real killer.




At this age they don't need that...none of it...just good soil and close attention. But don't take it from me, I grow organic and find such mauling at an early age next to sexual abuse. No offense. I make a good income, so someone else fingering their plants doesn't matter much to long as you are not diddling mine.

