

Active Member
One more question so I've noticed right before this happened when I watered this week the water didn't go down it just sat there until I poked a few holes in the soil

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
Looks like it is being under watered not over watered.
If the water does not absorb into the soil and sits on top that is also a sign of under watering.
Is the pot light if you lift it?
If you have a scale and can weigh it that would make it easy to diagnose.
How much water do you give it when you water?


Active Member
After he told me not to water for awhile yea then I gave it about two phd water bottles of water but when I watered before I water until water runs out of the bottom but I just don’t want it to die

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
Did the leaves bounce back after watering it?
If it was thirsty it would respond positively after a few hours.