

So I'm relatively new to growing and I have quite a few questions that I need answered ASAP since I plan to start growing within the next few wks. I'll start by telling a little about how I plan to go about things and I'll separate my questions for ease of reading. So here we go:

I have about $1000-1300 to work with. I've settled on a grow closet thats about 5ft tall 5ft long and 3ft wid, a 600w virtual sun hps+mh lighting kit, a ph meter,a propagation kit to start my seeds,a 4in inline fan,regular fan,humidity/temp monitor and an ozone generator. I've ordered 2 different autoflowering strains plus the seed bank I ordered from offer 2 free seeds with every order. All the seeds are femenized. I want to start with only 3 plants as I only have 6 seeds (1 of each strain) and then a month later I'll plant the other 3. Now for the questions

Room SetUp
1.) Am I missing any equipment? All the equipment above DOES NOT equal $1000-1300. Its something like $600 so I still have something to work with.

2.) Any advice on how to set up? I mostly want to know how to set up my lights and the fans and ducting so I can keep them cool

3.)Organic Soil Mixture:
I came across Subcool's organic soil mix quite a few times and it seems to be a tried and true mix. My question is what do yall think about using Earth Juice's Amazon Bloom as a base (ingredients listed below)? Can anyone give me a step-by-step break down of how to mix it? And if this is too complex a mix for a beginner can someone give me a step-by-step of a simpler one to use?

About how much should I spend on soil and fertz?

5.)Pots and transplanting:
First off I would like to avoid transplanting all together so I guess my question is is that even possible? If so how? Second I've been looking at smart pots and it seems that the roots grow into the mesh of the bag so I was wondering if I could just start them in a smart pot and then transfer the entire smart pot into a bigger one and cover it with soil? I guess my main goal is to cause minimum to no stress to my babies.

6.)What do yall think about 2 plants in those huge sterelite bins with holes drilled in the bottom for drainage?

I think that is all the questions I have (for now ) I've been researching this for about 2years now and feel it is time to jump in and start growing since I wish to make this my career. It seems there is a wealth of info for a young woman to learn so I welcome any and all input.

Eath Juice Amazon Bloom Organic Soil:
peat moss
forest compost
coconut coir
feather meal
bat guano
marinebird fossilized guano
steamed bone meal
sulfate of potash magnesia from langbenite
neem meal
earthworm castings
sea kelp (ascophyllum nodosum)
humate ore (leonardite) yucca meal
oyster shell lime


Active Member
The only thing i can say without really going out my depth is , loose the ozone , and get a nice 6 inch outake fan and a nice CF to go with it pref a rhino filter and a ruck fan, use the 4inch as your intake.

Make sure when you start your young ones off that you have the light up as high as possible so they dont brun/dry out.

To be fair i have planted cuting directly into one big pot before without potting up , and in that lone instance the plant did alot better than the ones i planted up. Can only put it down to the transplanting stressed them, so in thoery yes you can , however might be better to start them off in small pots as it is your first grow and big massive pots could lead to over watering , as roots arnt developed enough, to drink from the soil at the bottem , causing it to be like a sludge.

In thery the bigger the pot the beteras it means more roots which means more bud , however only within reason to the size of your plant.

Big massive pots will equire a long veg to get them to fill out propperly.


Active Member
All of kanx advice sounds right, just not the 4" intake. Never use a fan to blow air in because even though the intake fan is sized smaller than the exhaust fan, when the static pressure loss from the carbon filter is factored into the exhaust output there is a good chance the 4" intake could blow in more than the exhaust takes out and thereby eliminating the negative pressure effect necessary for 100% odor elimination. Even if you were to balance the intake just right via damper it is still not necessary to waste watts by blowing air into a grow cab/room.Simply cut/drill the appropriate sized hole to let air in passively, and you will also reduce noise by not blowing it in.


Active Member
In theory you are correct , however a 4 inch intake and 6 inch outake should be fine, the trick is keep your intake a bit smaller than outtake. Well from what ive experienced anyway.

Ive even heard it helps ease the work of fans as it dosnt have to work as hard since air is being fed to it, lord knows about that bit tho.