Help !!!

i have 4 plants growing in soil and im using cfl's . there 4 weeks from seedling and range from 7 inches to a foot. currently at an 18/6 light schedule . can i try to flower just to determine sex by switching to a 12/12 then go back to veg cycle of 18/6 ? any input greatly appreciated!


Active Member
hi, they seem a bit short at the moment. how many cfl's at what wattage, do you have? i keep my cfls about 2 inches from the plant, and mine are about 7 inches after 2 weeks. no sure about flowering yet, but i think they probably need the light closer or more light.


Well-Known Member
Yea man you can do that. I usually switch to 12/12 for about two weeks then switch back once they show sex.


Undercover Mod
Don't do it. It can take a month or more to switch back to vegitative growth. You will lose an entire month of growth. You are better off continuing vegging for another month than switching.
so yes or no? i have 4 23 watt cfl's 100 equivalent and its all i got and can use. (growing in soil) are they even going to grow more? is it possible?


Well-Known Member
Man he may be right it could stunt for a while but I do it with mine and they seem to take right off.


Well-Known Member
you can do it, but it does take time. On average (imo of course) it takes around 2 weeks for a plant to switch phases, so potentially you could lose a month (this is all strain and environment dependent of course). A number of people sex this way though. Two other things to consider are to cover a small branch with a paper bag for 12 hours a day, tie it to get it light tight (black paper bags doubled up work well), within 2 weeks you usually can see sex. Another thing you can do is cut a clone, and set it on 12/12, track which clone came from what plant, and see what sex the clones show. Alternatively you could cut a clone, veg it, and flower the parent...