

Active Member
hi the young ones in the pics are mine but we adopted 4 larger plants last night & dont no a thing about them not even age or anything!!! now i wake this morning to see the 4 larger ones creeping with bugs :shock:

would any one have a general idea about how may weeks they are as this is my first time growing!



Active Member
Organocide; it is an insecticide and fungicide. There are other products out there (and some you can make) but this stuff is ready to go and won't burn the plant.
Good luck.


Active Member
They are within 4 weeks from seed, maybe 3 if it is a fast grower. I'm not sure what kind of pest control options you guys have over there, if you have a hardware store with a garden department nearby, they should be able to point you to something to control pests- just make sure it is food safe, and test it on a small portion of the plant first to see if it will damage the leaves. There is an Irish Growers Thread that should be able to give you an idea of what is available locally and what would work best. Good luck with the new little ones.


Active Member
That wouldn't make too much of a difference with the age, but I just thought about something if you can't find an insecticide that works. Predatory insects are helpful in controlling pest populations, and I'm not sure what you might have available on the Emerald Isle, but they won't burn the plants and help avoid using any chems to control the populations. There are some organic pest control recipes out there as well.


Active Member
yea i no under pressure im not a smoker doing this for my partner & friends they thought id be the best to try it as i have patience!! great excuse i no but i'll give it ago!