

Well-Known Member
I was using MG soil with peat moss, perlite, and bone meal. My plant was doing fine until a couple of weeks ago and it has slowly progressed to becoming worse and worse. I think it was a pH problem and also nute burn, so I transplanted into FF Happy Frog. Now the leaves on top are curling up and have a lot of brown on them. Any idea? I transplanted just yesterday.


Well-Known Member
yikes , yeah those leaves arent going to recover. Watch for the new growth. If it starts comin out green then you may have solved your problem. did you flush as well?


Well-Known Member
Can't flush with MG! Figured it would make it loads worse so all I did was transplant into the FF Happy Frog. :/ Hopefully that'll fix.


Active Member
i wouldnt use MG for something youll be smokin in your lungs but reguardless it looks like calcium and magnesium deficiency. what is your water PH and do you correct your PH after you mix in your nutrients?


Well-Known Member
yeah true , get ph at 7 after nutes, and flush with ph'ed water . 3 times the amount of your container. so if you have it in a one gallon , flush it with 3 gallons water at 6.8-7.0 ph.


Well-Known Member
I did not add nutes at all. It is all from the MG. I just transplanted so I don't think I should flush just yet.


Active Member
If you just transplanted you'll need to give her a week for sure before you'll really see results from whatever change might come out. It sure won't do anything overnight...