

Well-Known Member
That video is misleading. Makes it seem like an innocent bird is what the bill is all about but its more along the lines of protecting people from owing crocs and hippos and wild animals that dont belong in domesticated areas.


Well-Known Member
That video is misleading. Makes it seem like an innocent bird is what the bill is all about but its more along the lines of protecting people from owing crocs and hippos and wild animals that dont belong in domesticated areas.
you're missing the point. just because crocs and hippos are on the list it's ok to ban all pets? come on.

this covers ALL animals. ie, pet snakes, pet lizzards, pet rodents, pet birds, pet ferrets, pet fish......

all gone, illegal, banned. breeding anything would be illegal (including dogs and cats).

as for herps (reptiles and amphibians), you're talking about a MAJOR industry for a group of hobbyists and collectors. All the people out there with a boa or ball python or corn snake will be in violation of federal law. your daughter's pet turtle? ILLEGAL!

think about it. no one has a fucking rhino as a pet. don't skirt the issue at hand please. if you're not going to be proactive, don't post.