help yellow dots 3 weeks into flower


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone

Those yellow dots just showed up on my young flowers

Is my first grow so I am freeking out

I am on soil
And 2x 600hps

Feed it age old nutes only did it once about a week ago

Any ideas on what it is please
20160101_122343.jpg 20160101_122349.jpg 20160101_122403.jpg 20160101_212123.jpg 20160101_212107.jpg 20160102_125437.jpg


Active Member
Any chance you can shoot a few pics without the HPS? Some leaves look really dark and waxy, but it's hard to see with that light. Those spots almost look like boron deficiency but again, it's hard to see


Well-Known Member
imo you spraying your leaves with the lights on is acting like a magnifying glass and burning holes in your leaves.

I could be wrong on this, but it very well could be the case.


Active Member
Definitely have a magnesium deficiency. I see a bit of Ca also. You watering w RO or bottled water? CalMag or similar should clear that up.


Well-Known Member
Definitely have a magnesium deficiency. I see a bit of Ca also. You watering w RO or bottled water? CalMag or similar should clear that up.
I water with tap water6
Ph at 6.5

Thank you to everyone

I sprayed optic foliar over grow on it they loved it also gave them age old organics at 1/4 then later some potassium at a 1/4 and today 1/2 magnesium

Thank you to everyone also the dots were burns from the lights I am running 2x 600 hps and lights were too close.


Well-Known Member
I personally dont like to foliar feed because of the risk of nute burn and light burn from the water magnifing the light. Adding the nutes to the water every watering has always work well for me. I agree looks like a mag or boron issue not a pest issue. Odd if you are using tap water. Test the run off water from your pots after watering and see what the ph is. Its more likely your soil ph is out of wack or has a build up of salts. What soil are you using? I like Happy Frog and Roots Organics Original so far the RO has been the best imo. I will also do just a ph'd watering with no nutes about once a week. The helps to flush salt build up from the soil and gives the plant a chance to use up nutes still in the soil. Also 6.5 is kind of high imo and at that ph things like ca mag boron molybdenum iron all beco e harder for the roots to take up. Lower your ph to 6.0 unless your soil ph is low like 5.0.


Well-Known Member
Looks like light burn to me. Sometimes it takes a while to show up. It's from transplanting from low light in veg to high light in flower. Try to get the veg lights as close as possible before moving to flower lights so they'll be used to high intensity. If in this case you used the same light for veg and flower then I guess at some point you changed the distance between light and plants to much at once.