Help With Weed In Salou Spain


Well-Known Member
Hey people aint been on here in ages. But hey im going over to salou spain in a few day and im wondering does anyone no where i can get some weed in salou? Not hash, that will be the last resourt as i got it last time and it was good but not 'weed' good. And also if you no the prices for something like a quarter, or even 1oz? Any help at all would be a great help to me. Thanks BIGBUDZZ ;-)


Well-Known Member
Anyone no anywhere i can get weed over there? Dont have to be an exact location but general people to ask?


Well-Known Member
ask people i spanish for "maria" they will know what you want. or write this down " estoy buscando maria para fumar" i think thats right! the spanish are really cool and you will have no probs getting good weed. just dont pay silly money. i would only ask for 20 euro worth. if your gonna get ripped off better just for a 20. good luck


Well-Known Member
What about barcelona? I will be there for a few hours one day. I was toldto try a hydro shop and he will probably hook me up with something. But i dont wanna ask the wrong person and make a fool of myself yano


Well-Known Member
Anyone here from spain? I lookin to buy an oz of the best stuff i can get, ind i heard that will cost me about €50?