HELP with venting/extraction. How are you doing it?

Thanks for your interest all help is appreciated massively!

I have 2 x 600w CoolShades and a 400w HPS so as you can probably tell thats quite alot of heat to get rid of! I have 6 inch fans ready to extract!!

My flower room is on the front of the house so I cannot use the window, my bedroom is the room next door and there is NO chimney so where am I supposed to send the hot air? By the way the attic is empty but surely the heat will just build up up there.

I have thought about putting a roof tile vent on the house or maybe even a vent in the attic but not only will this look suspicious to neighbours it will be the first thing the FLIR cameras are looking for.

How do you expel your hot air? or How do you think I should do it?

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
All attics have a vent somewhere. Most likely in the gable ends. This is sufficient to exhaust any heat you send up there. If there are no gable vents, they're easy to install and shouldn't raise any suspicions with the neighbors, this retrofit is pretty common. I've exhausted this way for years with no problem.
One caveat: if the attic isn't properly vented, the hot humid air will cause mold.
BTW, Flir doesn't work during the daylight hours and they're usually flying from 3-5 am, around here anyway.
You should move it to the attic, as fred said there is likely some type of ventilation already in place (gable). As you know, that much heat will fill you flowering room pretty fast. Having an attic to vent into is perfect actually, smelly air as well as hot. How big is the room?
Thanks for your advice. My room is 6.5ft x 5.5ft by 7.5ft(h) If I'm going to use say 4x600w HPS lights in this space and I vented all this heat into the attic wouldn't I have some issues with condensation build up and all manner of other problems up there? Im really stuck for ideas where I can vent this heat!


Well-Known Member
All attics have a vent somewhere. Most likely in the gable ends. This is sufficient to exhaust any heat you send up there. If there are no gable vents, they're easy to install and shouldn't raise any suspicions with the neighbors, this retrofit is pretty common. I've exhausted this way for years with no problem.
One caveat: if the attic isn't properly vented, the hot humid air will cause mold.
BTW, Flir doesn't work during the daylight hours and they're usually flying from 3-5 am, around here anyway.
I second this....


Well-Known Member
No it shouldnt,,,attics stay hot on their own and like said there is a vent somewhere up there for hot air to escape and let your house breathe. Hot air rises so it should stay in the attic and go out,,,,thats why they vent attics like that in the first place,,,,to expel hot air. If you really worried, put a fan by the vent up there to assist the moving air....But either way there should be no problems.....Id do it....
No it shouldnt,,,attics stay hot on their own and like said there is a vent somewhere up there for hot air to escape and let your house breathe. Hot air rises so it should stay in the attic and go out,,,,thats why they vent attics like that in the first place,,,,to expel hot air. If you really worried, put a fan by the vent up there to assist the moving air....But either way there should be no problems.....Id do it....
How do you expel your hot air right now?


Well-Known Member
a 265 cfm blower for regular air exhaustion and a 65 cfm pulling hot air off my hood. It currently just runs into the basement. It stays cool down there so it pretty much evens out.
Are you supposed to blow air into the cooltube, or suck the air out?


Well-Known Member
either I guess. I suck air out. Some run AC air in and have it sucking out as well. So you can do one,,,both,,,or neither...
I feel like blowing cool air through and exhausting out is much better, I never thought to suck the air out....?
I'm going to try both ways and see what temps I get...


Well-Known Member
Only the pickup point for the hot air needs to be at the top of the room. You can vent into your ear if you want after that, lol but don't try it!
I feel like blowing cool air through and exhausting out is much better, I never thought to suck the air out....?
I'm going to try both ways and see what temps I get...
Im looking into aircooled reflectors and it seems you take cold air through them at one side and suck the hot air out of the tube from the other side. Makes sense really.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it does.. So I'll connect my 6" inline to blow air thru the light then get a 6" duct fan booster to extract out. . . Sucking the heat out doesn't even make sense unless your pulling 1000+cfm.. Blowing cold air thru does..
Yeah it does.. So I'll connect my 6" inline to blow air thru the light then get a 6" duct fan booster to extract out. . . Sucking the heat out doesn't even make sense unless your pulling 1000+cfm.. Blowing cold air thru does..
You don't need to use two fans. You can use one fan to either push or pull the air from the reflector or cool tube. as long as the ducting is sucking in fresh cool air the cool tube will do its job. For example dont let the ducting pull air from your grow room, let it get air from outside the room or even better outside the house. See how pulling really cold air through it will cool it down to the max.

Use your other fan to cool the room itself by either extraction or pushing cool air in again in the same manner.



Well-Known Member
Yeah I live where its really fucking cold all the time so I'm not blowing hot air in by any means....