Help with proper lighting

The G12

I just got a new tent to maximize my space. I got a 4x2x6 tent. I plan on scrogging to keep shorter and im doing 3 5 gallons smart pots. I have a 4x4 with a 600w light on one side and on the other side a closet grow 250w going. I dont want to add more heat to the area so i was thinking of going led or lec. My question is what type would cover all of the plants and would i actually need 2 lights.
No you dont need 2 lights you can build one light whatever size you need.
In my personal opinion i would go with leds. I have Citizen on order. As to what type how much light and what is the budget?

The G12

I wanted to keep it around 100-200 but i was thinking of going 315 lec which is around 370. I just need something low heat that flower good

The G12

I wanted to keep it around 100-200 but i was thinking of going 315 lec which is around 370. I just need something low heat that flowers good.
I wanted to keep it around 100-200 but i was thinking of going 315 lec which is around 370. I just need something low heat that flowers good.
well you could get 8 clu-048-1812 ran at 2.1a would fill that area and depending on the driver model if you want dimming or not. Those cobs are $18 each plus heatsink for $12 reflectors if you want them forgot the cob holder $3-4 can easily do your room for $200-225