Help with plants!!!pics!!!


Well-Known Member
What's good everyone let me start off by saying that I have 7 plants that were cloned from a seeded plant about 3 months ago. My problem is that about 2 months ago I was renting a room and had the clones there in a corner of my room with 8 T5 cfls they were doing very nice. I found an apartment so I left them at my old place cause wanted to make sure it was ok to bring them over so when I finally did about 1 week later I started to see what was white hairs forming and bud sites WTF so I asked what happen the person that was taking care of them told me she had to shut off the lights a few times cause she was getting guest and didn't want anyone to see them. Now that I have them they been on 24hr cycles and the white hairs are still forming and it's been about 1 month and 2 weeks I still see white hairs in between the nods.
Also WTF is up with the leaves some have one finger like if it suffers from down syndrome and some have 3 fingers on the leaves also have some yellowing but new growth is not yellow what can it be?

I'm planning on keeping them as mothers and taking clones about 20 of them and flowering them as soon as the show roots. Is this problem going to effect potency and yield.
I water them every 3 or 4 days depending on how dry the soil is and give them 1tsp of Foxfarm nutrient all purpose liquid 7-7-7 for every gallon mixed water is PH at 6.0 to 6.5 Temps avg around 75-80 F and Humidity avg around 25-30% I know humidity is low I just order a humidifier and dehumidifier. thanks everyone for the advise.



Well-Known Member
Ok so let me rewind and re read the re veg. The heavy yellowing is nute burn. 18/6-24/0 any of these will do for revegg. you will still have white hairs and it takes a while for revegging,The energy is still going to flower but that will change. Do not feed them Bloom nute, Just the grow and (catalyst, wich I never use...) Oh yea BTW: give your soil a good flush, and then nuter up again. should start stretching. like a mofo.


Well-Known Member
Ok so let me rewind and re read the re veg. The heavy yellowing is nute burn. 18/6-24/0 any of these will do for revegg. you will still have white hairs and it takes a while for revegging,The energy is still going to flower but that will change. Do not feed them Bloom nute, Just the grow and (catalyst, wich I never use...) Oh yea BTW: give your soil a good flush, and then nuter up again. should start stretching. like a mofo.
I'm going to try flushing it and see what happens, What do you think the deformed leaves mean? I want to clone them in the next 2 weeks hope they'll turn up fine.


Well-Known Member
that seems to happen with a revegg or in my case cloning. nothing to worry about. you have lots of them that is all that matters.


Well-Known Member
that seems to happen with a revegg or in my case cloning. nothing to worry about. you have lots of them that is all that matters.
Thanks wastedagain that reassuring yea I,m going to start putting the flower room together this weekend hope to run 2 trays to harvest every month about 16-20 plants sog let's see how it goes I'll make a journal thanks for the help man