help with grow room


Active Member
That's kinda steep I think. Pretty sure I could put that package together for less. Anyway man it depends on how you are growing. You can figure 1 sq. ft. per plant so say 16 per 4x4 so 32 total with a couple 1000 w hps in a 4x8. good, read, read, and then read some more. peace

Purple veins

Active Member
Depends on the style of growing. If you want big plants maybe 6-10 . If you are doing smaller plants with very short or no veg you could fit a shit load !!


Well-Known Member
i would keep looking up
Deals, that seems a bit steep for what your getting.
For that kinda money you'd expect a 600 w at leastwith quality digital ballasts and cool tubes included.
I'd check the quality of the light too and the filter.
Also don't try a lot of plamts your first run I'd do six or max eight, I promise you it'll keep your new ass busy and running in circles. Lots to learn man and first lesson is don't get ripped off by hydro shops lol some of them are flat out pirates. I'm a outdoor guy but my first run was indoor
I ran 6 and it was good fun but I made many mistakes,
Keep it simple and have fun bro. Lots of great guys and ladies too with lots of knowledge. Keep asking questions and read like a nerd. Cheers