Help!! With DIY Reverse Osmosis Reserve Tank

Hello fellow RiU peoples. I'm need of of some help making a 65 gallon rubbermaid garbage can into a reserve tank. I'm not a Plummer and don't have no idea on what parts I need I k ow I need a float valve ect but that's about it. Can somone help me get a parts list together to build my own reserve tank.

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
......All you need is the float valve hooked up to RO outlet hose......get a hole saw or flat bit the size of the float valve and drill it where you want, screw the float valve on and your done

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
One thing I didnt realize at first is the r/o machine had to have the pressure tank hooked to it or the float in my main res wouldn't shut off the water.