Help with a water problem.

My friend and I are going to be starting our first DWC grow within the next couple of weeks. It seems that most people just use tap water and they don't have much problems, but the tap water here is so rank it will make people sick. I don't know if it's high levels of chemicals in the water, bacteria, or the left over sediment from our local reservoir. So that being said I don't want to use tap water for our grow.

Now my question is if we should use purified water or distilled water?

I'm not sure of what the difference is other than the price. This has been bugging me so I really would like someone else's input.


Well-Known Member
Many complain about distilled, as it is too clean.
See if you can find one of the bulk machines that has 'spring' water.
Grocery stores usually have a machine, with a gallon or two for a quarter.


Well-Known Member
I don't much care for distilled or ro water. If your really into it you can add back everything you need, but if you don't know how and why you add stuff filtered water and standard nutes is the best bet. just my thoughts.
Thanks a lot. I can get 7 gallon jugs from Wally World or Swan's for under 2 bucks. There's been several golden algae outbreaks here in the last couple of years, and some kid got killed by an amoeba that made it through our "state of the art" water treatment plant and into the water supply a few months ago. So I really wanted to figure out the best alternative water supply before we started.