help with 2 room design


Hello guys/gals

I am in need of help. I have two grow tents/huts. One 4' square 72" high and one 48L X 24W X 60H.

Maybe someone can help show me a proper or better way of set up with the paltry equip I have.

400 watt mh/hps
4 12" 225 LED panels
2 150 watt CFL

Rainforest 318 aero sys
3' ebb/flow tray with 21 4" net pot sites w/ 27 res gal

3 4" booster fans
2 6" booster fans
1 6" vortex fan
6 " can fan

Hanna ppm/ph meter
and randoms to help bring it all together.

I have been reading so many of the post and thread on here. I am asking for help from people who HAVE experience and KNOW wtf I am talking about. Not someone who says "I hear my buddy has done it this way". Or " I read it should be done this way". I don't mean to be a pain in the ass, but seriously any jerk off can sign up for this site, ( someone might and prob thinks I am a JO).

Just people who are successful . I have read so many books and rags that I confused myself and need it brought back to the begining.


Much appreciation to anyone who reads this and


Should I pick up a 150 or 250 watt mh for veg and use something for side lighting?




How much are you growing in there? You have 21 net pots so I am assuming you are growing all them. Your lighting might be fine for the pre-veg, but you are gonna want to pick up some more so you can blast those suckers. I guess I would need pictures of your setup and plans to really give good advice.


Active Member
check out marijuana growrooms on youtube i dont remember the exact video but there are a bunch on grow setups that you could copy.


I have paused growing. I am branching out to indoor after many good runs outdoors. So far I have acquired the equipment and only did 2 small test runs. So the equip is somewhat put together and somewhat still in boxes. Hence why I am on here asking for help figuring out how to best accommodate the situation.

I believe I might need another hps. But the led panel were so cheap I just had to buy them for shit and giggles.



My thoughts....

LIGHTS - I would not use MH for side lighting, I use 2ft T5's for side lighting. Here's your advantage of that in your set up. Instead of mounting them, I 2 magnets to the back, one on each end. Then you can move them anywhere at anytime in your tent and just put a piece of metal on the outside and they stick. ALSO, they are inexpensive and can be daisy chained, so you dont have to run wires from outlets to each light. I use those in conjunction with a 6 bulb T5 hanging fixture and I hang about 4" from plants. Its 4ft x 2ft and draws 220 watts and puts out 20,00 lumens. Bulbs can get warm and put off some heat but nothing like mh or HPS, so it aids in temp control, which as many know, can be a frustrating thing to get right in the begining, especially in a small area. Thos 150 watt CFL's can be used two, sinse you already have them. But your but you can see the differences in types of lighting. 2 CFLs which MUST be very close to the plants will be difficult to utilize in a large area, how many plands can you get them a few inches from? Also, your eating up 300 watts for 16,000 lumens...if you have the extra cash or possibly later an upgrade project, t5's take the cake in small are's, little heat, great lumen per watt and all color spectrems availible, though I just veg with them.
-note: I would use the LEDS as to experiment with, as in use them on a few plants and see if there is a difference, thus far , and I realize there is a bit of controversial data on these, we have a long way to go to get there. To get a LED to emit anything near MH or HPS runs about 1 million dollars a bulb, just to give you an idea on how much furthur they have to go with the technowledgy. If you were putting it in one of those little computer box setups and they were an inch from the plant, perhaps you can get satisfactory results. You CAN grow with them, but they must be nearly making contact with the plant. We have a way to go with them I get all excited thinking about it ove rthe next few years.

AREO SET UP - . These work well, but you will run into trouble if yo uhave any intention of growing the plants to maturity in the 318 unit. They are FAR to close together. I use the 66 lid and still do quite a bit of training so they get light. Save yourself some money down the line also, that motor for the pump is external, which is great, make sure some air is moving over it, as the plants grow it builds a bit of heat, and at more than $100, you dont want to burn it out early. Also consider res levels. When res is up to 15 gallons you have a DWC with the 6" nets, with the 3" your probably alright, but when its filled you can see only a little bit of the root is exposed to the actual misting. As they mature I like to lower it to 10 gallons so more of the root area gets that oxygen enriched nutrient solution. But at 10 gallons, watch for PH or TDS drift.

HEAT AND LIGHTS - You already have the 400 switchible, so obviously we'll be using that. But I would look to upgrade to a 600 HPS for the flower room and put the 400MH in the veg room, it cost money and we'll focus on what you have. Its just a thought.

Now design concepts : Will ned some info. You said 6" vortex and 6" can fan. Is the vortex the 200 whatever CFM or the HO 449 CFM? Its twice the area volume movement. Also, the can fan, what CFM?

Have you run any test on temps yet, like putting the 400W on in the room and measure temps? They are going to be rediculsly high, but will give you a base number at least. Run it for an hour or two and check temp. Leave it on then turn of the 6" fan, depending of what CFM you use you'll know what the fluxuation is. turn on the one fan and give it an hour , check temp, check temp again in half hour or hour, check until the temp stops droping. If its not low enough, put the other fan in there and measure.

Now, you didnt mention what you cdesign concept was. I would imagine one for flowering and one for vegging? If you have two tents that would probably be the best suggested, but you have one area 318 and a 3' flood.. so you only have enough grow units for one room at a time? Is that accurate? Or is your plan to put one unit it one room and another unit in another room?

Thus far I do not see having much heat issues, I do think you need more lighting, either but some t5's in the veg room and switch the HPS to the flower room, or for the bigggest pain in the ass but best results, find an easy way to take the light out of the flower room during the 12 off and put in the veg room for 12. just make sure you run your florescents in the veg room to stop triggering fowering when you put the light back in the flower room. Sounds like a total pain in the ass, but I did it once when I had two tents next to each other with a light mover. The light move was 4ft long if I remember and I mounted it to that the very end of the mover was about centered in each room. and then I put the plug for the mover on a timer and played with it so all it did really was move from one end to the other. I had to use a dual spectrum buble back then, they sell way better dual arching bulbs these days. I had altered the tent and added material so when the light moved to the next tent the material flapped closed. I had to play with it alot to get it to flap closed enough to not allow light in, yet still not fassen closed. The lights was turned off an hour before it would move, so I didnt have to worry about melting anything and started back up and hour later in the veg room, plenty of time to avoid hot popping the bulb. Crazy set up but I only had 1 1000 WAtt MH and didnt want to buy more lights (couldnt afford really) and just couldnt see not taking advantage of the huge lumens it put out. Anyway, that was my example.

Hope some of that helps.


Yeah it did. I have tried the temp and without the fan the temp goes up to 99. With an oscillating fan, the vortex, which is a 6" (but dont know the cfm since bought off a guy second hand as well as the can fan although not one scratch on it and the rest of the gear the guy had was still in boxes and said this stuff was brand new ???)

I was thinking of putting the aero in for veg and ebb and flow for flower since I can get more site working and have a greater yield.

But the magnet idea did stir up some thoughts and I appreciate the thoughts. Now time to go to work.
