Help why do my leaves look like this???


Active Member
I need help figuring out why my leaves look like this. 2 weeks into flowering in an outdoor grow. Flora Series nutrients in 45 gallon soil.new1.jpgnew2.jpgnew3.jpgnew4.jpgnew5.jpg


Well-Known Member
Are those old growth leaves? Meaning those have been on the plant for a while... subject to environment issues... looks like burn spots from maybe nutes splatter or chlorine water spots burned into leafs, like my maple tree in back yard...what does the whole plant look like, new growth green and nice? Under the leaf, worse or better ? Good Luck !


Well-Known Member
I think you have a pest problem. Be sure you use natural means to get rid of them so you dont poison yourself


Well-Known Member
A photo of the whole plant will help an accurate diagnosis because it could be several things