Help wat should i do

Today my friends brought over his plant he had at his cousins. It has bin sitting on his window for 7 months. He cant have it their anymore so he gave it to me. I don't no if its a male or female. He told me it had balls he thinks at one point. I thinks its a male. O yea the whole plant only has 3 some 5 fan leafs



Well-Known Member
I do not see any pistals.... All I see are stiples...... I personally would not keep IT. I would through that scraggle ugly ass stressed out plant away and start from scratch, but this is from a personal thought.....


Well-Known Member
first off a plant with 7 months growth when given proper light is about 30 times the size of your plant maybe more. sexing has not taken place yet. Those brown things between each node are not any kind of sex. i mean if you want to sex it and have space outside why not go for it. At the same time the plant looks like it has been struggling its entire life. Does it hurt to go with it, i say no. But thats only if you have a space to put it without worry. also i would say give it a dose of nutes but it does need some good direct sun. You prob will not get alot of bud but you know what who really can tell. If you are gonna grow it indoors however i say just forget about it and start some seeds, esp if you use a HPS. alot of factors in the decision but i would say if you have space outside or even know a very secret spot that no one will find in lets say a wooded area plant it there. and put a good amount of dried fert around it and in the soil. just make sure if you do that you pic a spot that gets a lot of sun. If you follow through however and can leave it outside you may end up seeing a nice amount of bud. I know i a flip floping but....outside keep it inside kill it.


Well-Known Member
and no theres no sex on that plant yet no matter what anyone says. there nothing to show the sex.
I was goin to try indoor but i already have my first grow going so i may just put it next to my neighbor plant in his back yard. His plant is almost 7 ft gets sun all day. Ill keep u guys posted in a week to see how its goin



Well-Known Member
7 months? Looks really scraggly and unhealthy. May as well just scrap it, probably wouldn't yield anything anyways.